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Target level in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: target languagesplit-levelspirit levelleveltargetargeta levelo level
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1. How can they achieve maximum or target levels of profits or sales without precise information concerning their revenues and costs?
2. A target level establishing part (4) establishes a target level value (L) for establishing a range in which the intensity of the visual processing is adjusted.
3. Compare the current and target level maturity indicators to identify gaps and determine the organization's transformation roadmap from current maturity to desired target maturity level.
4. As we breached our $49.58 target level for the bullish momentum to continue crude needs to hold above $50.50 (basis the April contract).
5. CPI remains above the ECB's target level on the back of surging commodity prices.
6. When the market falls below this pattern target level it confirms significant market weakness.
7. Nothing in this plan would prevent trade unions negotiating higher rates of pay than these target levels.
8. Each would have specified permitted levels of chemical and other pollutants and target levels of oxygen.
9. The appraisal target system hierarchical level divides into three: Target stratum(, criterion level and target level.
10. An update initial driving signal is then calibrated according to the detected level and a target level.
11. Only after these levels are taken out is a move towards the $1,600 target level likely to begin.
12. Mind Soothe now has only one rank, costs 6% of base mana and has no max target level.
13. The integrated available value of technical and economic evaluation of gas exploitation is regarded as the target level of decision-making.
14. Therefore, the rapid-acting insulin analogues may play important roles in controlling the blood sugar to target level and decreasing the prevalence of diabetic complications.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. It describes the designs of one kind of indium metallurgy and the progresses in production. After these process improvement, designing target level have reached.
16. Based on the research for the damage characteristics and specific structure of pile wharf, a multi-level assessment model with indexes level, criteria level and target level is established.
17. German unemployment also fell to 7.3%, but the headline release was Eurozone CPI estimate which came in at 2.4% - in line with expectations but certainly well above the ECB's 2.0% target level.
18. Boeing's Icon-II design concept for supersonic flight achieves sonic boom noise levels that will meet the target level required to make supersonic flight over land possible.
19. Verify that the currently operating levels and that the gap between the target level.
20. By following EF's system and progress chart, will I be able to reach my target level by the end of my course?
21. The index system adopted the tower structure; it has four parts as follow, target level, first-class index level, second-class index level and third-class index level.
22. The state's total tobacco production is expected to remain at the target level of 170 million kg this season as unseasonal rains have damaged the crop in the state, the official said.
More similar words: target languagesplit-levelspirit levelleveltargetargeta levelo levellevel outsublevellevel offlevel upclevelandsea leveleye levellevellerall levelslevelingtarget celltarget wordhigh-levelon the levelhigh levelbase levellevellingincome levellevel besttargettingtarget companywater level
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