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Levelling in a sentence

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Sentence count:55+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-10-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: grovellingtravellinglevellerlevel crossingtellingbellingquellingselling
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1. House prices now seem to be levelling off after the steep rises of the last few years.
2. Teachers are accused of levelling standards down to suit the needs of less able students.
3. Inflation is finally levelling out at around 11% a month.
4. In short a process of levelling up rather than the levelling down anticipated by many critics of comprehensive provision.
5. This same levelling principle had been behind the creation of the Zaragoza Military Academy and was now applied to politics.
6. No such levelling off has been identified in the proximal colon.
7. We served our apprenticeship in skinning, levelling, cutting and throwing.
8. Trade, having fallen precipitately, is levelling off (see article).
9. Excellent bright, levelling, metal repartition and good covering power.
10. But the numbers have been levelling off.
11. Fully-automated levelling of the outriggers and ballasting with advanced keyhole technology increases the quick readiness for operation of the crane.
12. Broncos came close to levelling the scores just before half-time but a Shane Rodney knock-on helped Castleford to hold firm.
13. The philosophy of levelling up rather than dumbing down extends to education.
14. In gravimetry and levelling observations. there exist the important information of gravity field and vertical component of geometrical position.
15. It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.
16. But the signs are that the upward curve is levelling out.
17. Wealthy people paid a large proportion of the taxes, however,( and there was a levelling upwards of income.
18. The steel tracks ground along at a steady rate, flattening glorious highly-finned autos, scattering pedestrians and levelling lampposts.
19. For instance, if the airspeed is too high and begins to reduce, this is your indication to start levelling.
20. Allow 10% of the rate of increase of height, but increase this allowance to 20% when levelling from descent.
21. Is there a firm that can overhaul the self levelling unit as fitted to the Range Rover?
22. Manufacturer and supplier of E - Mix premixed spray plaster, tile adhesive(, self - levelling grout and repair mortar.
23. If the shy or the scatterbrained take cognitive enhancers, it is not obvious whether this is levelling their playing field or giving them an unfair advantage.
24. A review with 4 references to summarize synthetic principle and function of dyeing assistant for leather including levelling agent, hyperchromic agent, and fixing agent.
25. Therefor according to characteristics of operation units in Heilongiiang power system, a reasonable and effective repair programme is made by levelling risk method to improve power supply reliability.
26. The preliminary computation is the same as that for ordinary levelling.
27. The advanced GPS technology shows good potential to replace traditional land level for elevation measurement in agricultural land levelling project.
28. This article studied migration, dispersing and achromatic property of salt-resistance levelling agent TF-212B on polyester pongee under the existence of sodium sulphate.
29. Black solid content and high viscosity, transparency, in particular the levelling, prefilming, die cut resistance, embossing, engrave mechanical shock.
30. Two cracking Matt Crossan goals twice had Harps ahead with Patrick McEleney and Mark Farren levelling for Derry.
More similar words: grovellingtravellinglevellerlevel crossingtellingbellingquellingsellingyellingshellingswellingsmellingfuellingspellingdwellingtowellinglabellinggruellingmodellingcompellingcancellingexpellingtellinglywellingtonpropellingforetellingbest-sellingchannellingcounsellingmisspelling
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