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Suspicion in a sentence

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Sentence count:197+17Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: distrusthunchintuitionmisgivingmistrustsuspiciousnessSimilar words: suspicioussuspendsuspectofficiousparticipationversusspitspinMeaning: [sə'spɪʃn]  n. 1. an impression that something might be the case 2. doubt about someone's honesty 3. the state of being suspected 4. being of a suspicious nature. 
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61. The finger of suspicion immediately fell on Broderick.
62. This suspicion runs very deep among some government members.
63. New arrivals were greeted with suspicion.
64. No one is above suspicion in this matter.
65. He managed to avert suspicion.
66. He eyed the three strangers with suspicion.
67. No suspicion attaches to him.
68. He eyed me with suspicion.
69. They thought the head teacher was beyond suspicion.
70. Her behaviour aroused no suspicion.
71. They were still not clear of all suspicion.
72. The local people viewed newcomers with suspicion.
73. You are now clear of all suspicion.
74. A note of suspicion entered his voice.
75. Strong suspicion attached to the victim's boyfriend.
76. He'd been trying to divert suspicion away from himself.
77. He is clear from suspicion.
78. He treated the idea with suspicion.
79. The police booked him for suspicion of robbery.
80. His conduct roused the suspicion of the police.
81. A slight feeling of suspicion crept over me.
82. Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded[][], can poison a marriage.
83. They regarded people outside their own village with suspicion.
84. His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among Tory stalwarts.
85. A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him.
86. This latest document throws suspicion on the company chairman.
87. She always treated us with suspicion .
88. He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.
89. He did his best to avert suspicion.
90. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
More similar words: suspicioussuspendsuspectofficiousparticipationversusspitspinsustainas usualspinespitespillvivaciouspickloquaciouspugnaciousconsensustopicinspiredespitehospitalpick uppick outpickupdepictpick offsustainablein spite oftypical
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