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Subordinate in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+9Posted:2016-11-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dependentinferiorsecondaryAntonym: co-ordinateSimilar words: coordinatecoordinatorordinaryextraordinaryrecordingaccordingaccording todominateMeaning: [sə'bɔːdnɪt]  n. 1. an assistant subject to the authority or control of another 2. a word that is more specific than a given word. v. 1. rank or order as less important or consider of less value 2. make subordinate, dependent, or subservient. adj. 1. lower in rank or importance 2. subject or submissive to authority or the control of another 3. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence 4. inferior in rank or status. 
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(121) Based on principle and subordinate control of programmable controller and positioning control pulse unit, radiator core auto assemble machine has been developed.
(122) The volcanic successions comprise thick piles of basaltic lavas and subordinate intermediate and silicic lavas and pyroclastics.
(123) The "usefulness" of the final product or the likeliness of success of a project, whether it's a bridge to nowhere or a bankrupt solar-panel company, "inevitably becomes a subordinate consideration."
(124) The rotation buffer technique can perform the downloading of data files with any size from principal computer to subordinate computer.
(125) Huang Dan subordinate enterprises have phosphorus chemical plant Huangdan Coking Plant Huangdan Hydropower Station.
(126) Finland until 1809 or subordinate to Sweden, and after 1917 have been to Finland is the Grand Duchy of tsarist Russia.
(127) It can also act as an absolute structure, functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement.
(128) A hierarchical file is one that contains information collected on multiple units of analysis where each unit of analysis is subordinate to another unit.
(129) The former, for instance categories such as ground rent, commercial capital, loan capital etc. become subordinate to industry capital in the modern history system.
(130) Controlled blasting technology that is an excavation mode of small-bore and subordinate blasting row by row is used in construction.
(131) Subordinate to the maitre d'hotel are hostesses and headwaiters, who supervise the dining rooms.
(132) Legal advisory offices shall not be subordinate to one another.
(133) A nested list is a bulleted list with subordinate ( usually indented ) numbered or bulleted lists.
(134) She find it a comedown to listen to her former subordinate.
(135) He is two - faced subordinate and knows how to butter up the president!
(136) Linguistic indices contain the ratio of error-free T-unit (REFT) and subordinate clauses per T-unit (SCT).
(137) In a hierarchical data structure, each root record may have many associated records at the next level down in the hierarchy(, and there may be many additional subordinate levels.
(138) It is understood that the optimizing object of health work must be subordinate to the global object.
(139) It'should always be subordinate to and not compete with the primary action in the scene.
(140) People who have surplus power lacking to others—and this power is not made subordinate to a supreme authority – constitute a public danger.
(141) This support energy does not by any relegate 2 s to subordinate positions.
(142) Article 4 A subordinate debt of a securities company with a term of two years or more shall be a long-term subordinated debt.
(143) Digital PID timing algorithm can be realized by drive system based on subordinate controller.
(144) Urduuk clenched his mailed fist and shot it forward, crushing into the jaw of his subordinate.
(145) Even if the principal process types are the same, positions of the participants and process types of the transitivity in the subordinate clause are quite different.
(146) The Company subordinate enterprises: Zixia clothing brand, mainly engaged in gross fabric business inventories.
(147) Using the priming technique, this study examined the priming effects of superordinate time metaphors on subordinate time metaphors.
(148) This paper deals with two types of direct parallel communication of multi-SCP system, the pricipal and subordinate method and poly-pricipal method.
(149) Commissariat bureau sets leading Party group, subordinate unIt'sets 41 Party branch.
(150) The structure of physical layer, link layer and application layer was applied in field-bus of network control, data was gained through cyclic query of principal and subordinate PC in link layer.
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