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Straightforward in a sentence

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Sentence count:177+11Posted:2017-01-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: aboveboardsquarestraightSimilar words: straightenput forwardforwardbring forwardlook forward tofrightfuldelightfulafterwardMeaning: [‚streɪt'fɔrwə(r)d /-fɔː-]  adj. 1. free from ambiguity 2. without evasion or compromise 3. without concealment or deception; honest 4. pointed directly ahead. 
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121. Although a Gin and Tonic is as straightforward as it gets, the fragrant juniper berries flavoring this bar staple make it one of America's most requested cocktails.
122. We looked at something called Selection Sort and that too was pretty straightforward, at least conceptually.
123. The driver is straightforward to use as a stand-alone program without Hadoop, as demonstrated by running ant k-means.
124. The band's sound emerged as a mixture of glam rock, prog rock and straightforward rock and roll.
125. The definition of an SME is unproblematic because there are political views on this that are relatively straightforward, even if they may leave shades of grey.
126. Adding actions to the views' pull-down menu, the common editors' toolbar, and pop-up menus is nearly as straightforward.
127. The solution is very simple and straightforward and can be used in any Linux or UNIX environment.
128. Cauley is slightly balding and barrel-chested, and his Kentucky accent is thick, his speech plainspoken and straightforward.
129. Straightforward, with its pure, clean, crisp fruit and zesty acidity. This is a light-bodied, fresh Macon for everyday drinking.
130. Sequential algorithm is a straightforward cluster algorithm, and people do not have to provide the number of clusters in advance.
130. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
131. But there is also a relaxed, straightforward manner behind the hard business ethos.
132. Rather than ensconce the discouraging news in falsely hopeful language, the doctor imparted the diagnosis in a clear, straightforward manner.
133. Very average wines capable of quenching thirst but little else. Straightforward and unremarkable.
134. The volleyball player's diagnoses were more straightforward, though I will point out that thyroid testing and biopsies are generally done as an outpatient and don't require admission to the hospital.
135. Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet's ideas and other related matters descriptively.
136. She was a widow in her early thirties , clean, straightforward, energetic and meticulous.
137. When you know the ropes this job is quite straightforward.
138. The big burn stems from the side-to-side movement of your thigh and butt muscles (demanding more from your body than the straightforward motion of our number-two activity -- running).
139. The doctrine has no objective other than the declared(, straightforward one of charting future company policy.
140. The most straightforward way to do so would be to tighten up controlled - foreign - corporation ( CFC ) rules.
141. It was only a partial climbdown, however, as the film board insisted that the scenes in question were "nothing other than straightforward urination masquerading as ejaculation".
142. The wisdom of this exclusionary rule is doubtful, as many straightforward applications for relief from sanction should be capable of being disposed of fairly and efficiently without any oral hearing.
143. Our lightest shell takes a straightforward approach to alpinism .
144. There could be a very straightforward reason for the change of title.
145. It would be straightforward to implement the full X/Open specification in a production version of the TCS.
146. While the Rhett Butler is Southern, lime, lemon and curacao, the Scarlett is a more straightforward recipe.
147. At the same time, the red also evokes the pure color-field explorations of Mark Rothko, giving the portrait deeper emotional resonance than a straightforward realistic depiction.
148. "It's fairly straightforward to make computer-animated 3-Dcontent, " says Dodgson.
149. Formally, the UPDATE statement syntax is straightforward, because you must specify the new column values for the set of rows to be updated, as shown in Listing 3.
150. The sequence control structure is the straightforward execution of one processing step after another.
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