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Spoil in a sentence

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Sentence count:177+8Posted:2016-12-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: botchdamagedecaydestroyimpairinjuremarrotruinupsetSimilar words: oilsoilboilfoiltoiletembroilbroilerturmoilMeaning: [spɔɪl]  n. 1. (usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war) 2. the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it 3. the act of stripping and taking by force. v. 1. make a mess of, destroy or ruin 2. become unfit for consumption or use 3. alter from the original 4. treat with excessive indulgence 5. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 6. have a strong desire or urge to do something 7. destroy and strip of its possession 8. make imperfect. 
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31. They spoil their only grandson very much.
32. My grandparents used to spoil me rotten.
33. Let it rain - it won't spoil our afternoon.
34. Why do you always have to spoil everything ?
35. We won't let a bit of rain spoil our fun.
36. Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel?
37. The dessert will spoil if you don't keep it in the fridge.
38. You'll spoil your appetite for dinner if you have a cake now.
39. You can depend on my sister to spoil things .
40. Let's not spoil the job for the sake of a few pounds.
41. She's an only child,( but they didn't really spoil her.
42. I haven't seen the film, so don't spoil it for me by telling me what happens.
43. Grandparents are often tempted to spoil their grandchildren whenever they come to visit.
44. He wasn't enjoying the occasion so he thought he'd spoil it for everyone else - it was very childish of him.
45. Food will spoil if the temperature in your freezer rises above 8oC.
46. When I'm feeling miserable I go shopping and spoil myself - a couple of new dresses always make me feel better.
47. You can't spoil a child by giving it all the affection it wants.
48. Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man.
49. Any alteration would spoil the sense of the entire poem.
50. I had an uneasy feeling that he was going to spoil it.
51. Must you spoil everything?
52. The government is understandably reluctant to do anything which might spoil the harmonious relations between the country's ethnic groups.
53. Just a bit of a mouse's dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth.
54. They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers.
55. Unfortunately, a small minority want to spoil everyone else's enjoyment .
56. Don't have a cigarette now?you'll spoil the taste of your food!
57. You'll have to let me spoil you on your birthday.
58. Don't bunch the flowers up so tightly, you'll spoil them.
59. Knowing the ending already didn't spoil my enjoyment of the film.
60. They tried to dig up something from his past to spoil his chances of being elected.
More similar words: oilsoilboilfoiltoiletembroilbroilerturmoilboil downpointappointpoint topoint outpinpointboiling waterto the pointpointlessin point ofcheckpointpoint of viewpointillismappointmenta case in pointcounterpointspotspoonspouseespousespottedsponsor
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