Synonym: botch, damage, decay, destroy, impair, injure, mar, rot, ruin, upset. Similar words: oil, soil, boil, foil, toilet, embroil, broiler, turmoil. Meaning: [spɔɪl] n. 1. (usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war) 2. the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it 3. the act of stripping and taking by force. v. 1. make a mess of, destroy or ruin 2. become unfit for consumption or use 3. alter from the original 4. treat with excessive indulgence 5. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 6. have a strong desire or urge to do something 7. destroy and strip of its possession 8. make imperfect.
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61. They could not afford to spoil those maps by careless colouring.
62. What right had he to spoil everything?
63. I get too excited sometimes and spoil things.
64. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
65. A spot on a collar can spoil a betrothal.
66. Don't let me spoil your plans.
67. I won't detain you and spoil your fun.
68. Why should he let her spoil his pleasure?
69. That would spoil my appetite for Thanksgiving.
70. Don't eat any cake now. You'll spoil your appetite.
71. They spoil him by not setting limits.
72. She didn't want to spoil the evening.
73. Now I want to spoil you in return.
74. Army and nation divide the spoil fifty-fifty.
75. Might spoil your appetite for breakfast.
76. Brittany's grandparents spoil her rotten.
77. I shall not let it spoil my performance.
78. Success didn't spoil me,( I've always been insufferable.". Fran Lebowitz
79. To alter a detail would be to spoil everything.
80. I'd hate all that food to spoil.
81. Nobody was killed by a panicked deer or a stray arrow to spoil her happiness.
82. If building work is likely to spoil a view or block light(, they may be able to take action.
83. I only hope they don't spoil things here by over-restoring the chapel.
84. A daunting task lay ahead, as the spoil heaps covered an area of about 300 square yards.
85. Oh, but it would spoil Christmas - the last Christmas Day she and Susan would have together.
86. But the Liberal leader did not let its transience spoil the effect.
87. This is not a deadly disease, but does spoil established waterlilies.
88. Starting a family so soon would definitely spoil her career prospects for her.
89. It was a simple matter to strip off the layers of spoil from the stages in the construction.
90. So rich was the legacy of the ancients that the fund of spoil has lasted into our own times.
More similar words: oil, soil, boil, foil, toilet, embroil, broiler, turmoil, boil down, point, appoint, point to, point out, pinpoint, boiling water, to the point, pointless, in point of, checkpoint, point of view, pointillism, appointment, a case in point, counterpoint, spot, spoon, spouse, espouse, spotted, sponsor.