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Spleen in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+1Posted:2017-06-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: splendidsplendourspleneticsplendidlydispleasedispleaseddispleasingdispleasureMeaning: [splɪːn]  n. 1. a large dark-red oval organ on the left side of the body between the stomach and the diaphragm; produces cells involved in immune responses 2. a feeling of resentful anger. 
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91. The left renal vein was anastomosed to distal spleen vein on the benching of the graft.
92. The shape of spleen was irregular and foliate in 60-90 days, and the density of spleen became uniform.
93. With simultaneous salmon ella or swine evysipelas infection, the spleen may be enlarged and dark.
94. Result shows that enunciation weight of the the big youth pantheress rat of variety variance does not obvious, and has certain impact role on the spleen, thus may affect its immunity function.
95. Results: Of 29 cases of esophagogastric diseases. 3 cases were mycoderma thickening, 2 cysts, 9 liomyomas, 2 thoracoarterioaorta, and 7 spleen.
96. Millet can Spleen, and stomach, people sleep, the almond is head cold tuberculosis, Qingrejiedu medicine.
97. The number of CD80/CD86 M of spleen and mesenteric lymph node(MLN) were determined by double-label FCM method.
98. The spleen has the function of nourishing muscle, It makes muscles plumpy and four limbs strong.
99. The appearance of increased poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, and RBC inclusions suggests that a spleen is not present.
100. She instantly endeavoured , by a thousand kindness , to atone for such ebullitions of spleen.
101. Aim To explore the feasibility and safety of distal pancreatectomy with spleen and the splenic vessels preservation for the tumor and injury of body and tail of the pancreas.
102. The Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM) considers its etiology as blood heat , heat-wet in spleen and stomach, the deficiency of kidney and liver.
103. EEA ? s actions on thymus were more effective than those on spleen.
104. The extent of atrophy of thymus gland and intumesce of spleen of rat were ameliorated.
105. The objective of the experiment was to study on the pathologic histology for lymphonodus and spleen of weaned piglets naturally suffering form post-weaning multi-systematic wasting syndrome.
106. TCM syndrome, the hepatogastric emotional changes are not and in the main eating disorders in order to close the spleen, followed by emotional change induced.
107. The location mainly concerns lung, spleen, liver and kidney, esp. kidney.
108. The properties and functions of mouse pluripotential stem cells (CFU-S) were studied with spleen colony technique and other related methods.
109. Note that this spleen also shows irregular tan-white fibrous plaques over the purple surface. This "sugar icing" has the name hyaline perisplenitis.
110. Methods MTT tetrazolium assay was adopted to study the effect of these polysaccharide fractions on the activity of spleen cells.
111. Return to flowing esophagitis is the Inflammation caused by the stomach, duodenum content thing returned to the esophagus, because of the abnormal function of the upper abdomen spleen and stomach .
112. The Spleen: This organ is found in the abdomen lying under the left lower rib cage.
113. There were large amount of serious fibrino and suppurative fibrino exudation on the serosa of liver hepar , lung, spleen, parietal layer and visceral layer of pericardium.
114. Cardinal Richelieu, Prime Minister of France, drank chocolate to treat his spleen, and women drank it to regain their strength during particularly exhausting days.
115. If patients get chronic virosis hepatitis, they usually catch diseases about spleen and appear symptom of queasiness , vomit, inappetence, meteorism, ribs ache and halitosis.
116. Chicken spleen transfer factors(TF)matching with avtive NDV and IBDV vaccine was inoculated into chickling.
117. Objective Observe the therapeutic effect of Wenzhong Huayi Tang on spleen deficiency of atrophic gastritis ( CAG ).
118. Clinic application to increase the physical function of spleen and lung, nourish Yin and astringe essence[], larger dose is better.
119. Abnormal and aged RBC's are typically removed by the spleen.
120. Hematopoiesis of the other blood elements occurs in the fetal spleen.
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