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Speciality in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+4Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: distinctivenessfortelong suitmetierpeculiarityspecialisationspecialismspecializationspecialnessspecialtystrengthstrong pointstrong suitSimilar words: specializespecialistspecialisespecialisedspecialspeciallyespeciallyspecialtyMeaning: [‚speʃɪ'ælətɪ]  n. 1. an asset of special worth or utility 2. a distinguishing trait 3. the special line of work you have adopted as your career. 
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121 On the basis of study on standardization system of digital human body, currency standard and speciality standard system of digital human body was studied in this paper.
122 Therefore, folk art has its speciality on art taxology, and the methods and contents for classification are various.
123 During double weft weaving of GAMMA rapier loom, the mechanism has its speciality.
124 This article discusses the speciality of editing thinking ho the angle of scientific thinking, pointing out that the editing thinking should be creative, forward, all-way and critical.
125 High quality products of chocolate, bakery and biscuits are their speciality.
126 This article helps you prepare for Objective 310.1 in Topic 310 of the LPI's Mixed Environment speciality exam (302).
127 His speciality was psychology -- one important branch on the great tree of knowledge.
128 We want to buy Sequin Garments, Ceremonial Dress, Packaging Materials, Speciality, Fashion and Garment Accessories.
129 Yak hair is an important speciality animal fibre. It is fine, smooth, soft, warm and so on. Yak hair spun with wool has very good economic results.
130 Using literature analysis, questionary and logic method, the authors studied the developing speed, composition and scope trend in social sports speciality of our country.
131 There is a speciality of the electric motor used in the printing machine. And the frequency conversion speed governing is rather idealized and widely used method.
132 Because environment and appreciator speciality , campus sculpture have their different particularity on general environmental sculpture.
133 Would you like to try grilled rump steak? It's the speciality here and it's very popular.
134 Mathematics is one of the basic courses in the speciality of computational mathematics.
135 Shape function used for describing displacement distribution in element determines the speciality of the element in the finite element methods.
136 I will eat almost anything except tripe, which unfortunately was the speciality in Oporto , where I lived for three years.
136 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
137 This paper introduced the development of speciality polypropylene (PP) resin TJ 1036 lor spinning, which was produced with the chemical degradation process.
138 The paper discusses existing problems in speciality experimental teaching and its imperativeness of reformation.
139 A : What should I try? Do they have any speciality?
140 Differential Manchester code is fit for TWACS according to the speciality of modulation signal.
141 Methods: A retrospective study of the PIA database from 1996 to 2002 concerning the speciality anaesthesiology .
142 It is implicitly bound to the question, whether there exist an elementary speciality called life ort not.
143 This article helps you prepare for Objective 310.2 in Topic 310 of the LPI's Mixed Environment speciality exam (302).
144 The problems of subject and speciality construction existed in the domain of the safety engineering are analysed. Sone ideas of subject and speciality construction are given out.
145 The product has peculiar style with refined cotton, apocynum and far-infrared viscose fiber, each speciality of the fiber has been optimized.
146 Based on different speciality of products, dot series can adjust its distance in order to fit wooden parados, iron parados, glass parados.
147 Objective:To analyse the effect of speciality attitude for student nurse on clinical practice.
148 Is which website has a speciality the pop song electronic organ numbered musical notation?
149 Objective Discuss the speciality, risks and therapic experience about cholelithiasis combined with cirrhosis.
150 We will be matched appropriated demonstration and experiment which may be as a main point of lectureship for the course of experiment of fluid mechanics at the speciality of mechanical engineering.
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