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Somewhere in a sentence

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Sentence count:206+43Posted:2016-10-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: someplaceSimilar words: somewhatelsewherewheresomewhereinwhereassomeonehandsomeMeaning: [ˈsʌmweə]  n. an indefinite or unknown location. adv. in or at or to some place. 
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(151) The W.H.O. safety standard for ozone levels is somewhere about a hundred.
(152) All meteorites are of the same age, somewhere in the vicinity of 4.5 billion years old.
(153) I've left my keys somewhere and I don't know where.
(154) Go and play somewhere else - I'm trying to work.
(155) I'm expecting him to arrive soon. If you wait for sth, you stay somewhere or pass the time until something happens:I'm waiting for him to arrive. Waiting describes what you are doing, usually for a short time, until something happens:I'll wait for you outside the hotel.
(156) That new car is very cheap; there must be a catch in it somewhere!
(157) They've got a great big Victorian pile somewhere out in the country.
(158) After six months' work on the project, at last I feel I'm getting somewhere.
(159) I've seen your CD somewhere, but you have to hunt it out in your room.
(160) The house is very cheap. There must be a catch somewhere.
(161) Once I've found somewhere to live I'll send you my address.
(162) I'd love to go on holiday somewhere where it's nice and quiet .
(163) It will take us somewhere between three and four hours to get to Madrid.
(164) Somewhere in Ian's room were some of the letters that she had sent him.
(165) If it happens that I'm wanted badly somewhere,[] my mother will take the call and phone through to me here.
(166) They clapped together a stage so that they could have somewhere to perform.
(167) There will be another war somewhere else and the whole international media circus will move on.
(168) I could hear voices coming from somewhere among the bushes.
(169) He was scrabbling for his pen, which had got lost somewhere under the sheets of paper.
(170) I think we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.
(171) I want to go somewhere where we're sure to have good weather.
(172) I lost my keys somewhere between the car and the house.
(173) You need to go over the books again; there's a mistake somewhere.
(174) He's lucky because at least he has somewhere to sleep .
(175) I know their address is here somewhere, but I can't lay my hands on it right now.
(176) It's been hard settling in, but I feel I'm getting somewhere at last.
(177) They tramped the streets, looking for somewhere to stay the night.
(178) To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time .
(179) He suspected that a leak was present somewhere along the pipe.
(180) It came across my mind that I had met him somewhere before.
More similar words: somewhatelsewherewheresomewhereinwhereassomeonehandsomesometimesomethingsometimessomething ofto some extentsomething likesomething elsehere and therecome homeframeworkon the wholethe White Housewhenwheatwhethereven whenoverwhelmwheelchairoverwhelmingthereheremere
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