Synonym: someplace. Similar words: somewhat, elsewhere, where, some, wherein, whereas, someone, handsome. Meaning: [ˈsʌmweə] n. an indefinite or unknown location. adv. in or at or to some place.
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(121) I keep on thinking I've seen her before somewhere.
(122) I have to find somewhere else to live.
(123) I'm sure they live somewhere near here.
(124) Coming home after a trip somewhere is always a bit of an anticlimax.
(125) He did everything in his power to find us somewhere to live.
(126) There must be a copy of it kicking around the office somewhere.
(127) I seem to have picked up a terrible cold from somewhere.
(128) I need a new challenge and a fresh start somewhere else.
(129) Somewhere along the line, Errol seemed to have lost interest in her.
(130) I'm not feeling well, I must have picked up a bug somewhere.
(131) Somewhere along the line a large amount of money went missing.
(132) You'd better lower your standards if you want to find somewhere cheap to live.
(133) The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up.
(134) Somewhere in the audience an old woman's voice began plaintive wail.
(135) The boiler room is somewhere down in the building's nether regions.
(136) If Susanne is off somewhere, I'll kill time by looking around some.
(137) It never occurred to me that I had seen her before somewhere.
(138) They used to live in Paris, but now they're somewhere in Austria.
(139) She outgrew the company she worked for and found a better job somewhere else.
(140) Caray is somewhere between 73 and 80 years of age.
(141) A line has to be drawn somewhere I can't go on lending you money.
(142) They live on a farm somewhere out in the wilds.
(143) This deal looks too good to be true - there must be a catch somewhere.
(144) There is a strange odour in the air. The gas must have been escaping somewhere.
(145) At last they were agreeing, at last they were getting somewhere.
(146) Keep a watch out for Nicki and Steve - they should be here somewhere.
(147) There must be somewhere to eat cheaply in this town.
(148) Her defence was that she was somewhere completely different at the time of the crime.
(149) We will try to fit you in somewhere in the organization.
(150) Somewhere in the stillness of the night an owl hooted.
More similar words: somewhat, elsewhere, where, some, wherein, whereas, someone, handsome, sometime, something, sometimes, something of, to some extent, something like, something else, here and there, come home, framework, on the whole, the White House, when, wheat, whether, even when, overwhelm, wheelchair, overwhelming, there, here, mere.