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Soluble in a sentence

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Sentence count:296+4Posted:2016-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: unsolvableSimilar words: volubleresolutiondoubletroubletroubleddouble updouble backvolumeMeaning: ['sɑljəbl /'sɒljʊbl]  adj. 1. (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent (usually water) 2. susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained. 
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121. Fucoidan is a water soluble heteroglycan which contains sulphates , and it is a special constituent of brown algae.
122. The polymer was soluble in dichloromethane, trichloromethane, acetone and tetrahydrofuran.
123. The excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter.
124. Vitamin B complex and vitamin C are water - soluble and your kidney should just flush them out.
125. The more soluble a compound is in lipid the more readily it can enter the cell.Sentencedict
126. First, adopt factory self-restraint soluble glass to save cost of production to expand the scale of giving birth to a child further.
127. Prop. :White triangle crystal, easy deliquescence, with taste of acetic acid, soluble in water and ethanol, insoluble in acetone.
128. LT is a powerful immunogen and mucosal adjuvant when co-administered with soluble antigens.
129. Soluble protein contents in Rosana western wheatgrass increased with seed aging.
130. Purpose To investigate the relationship between serum interleukin 6 ( IL 6 ), soluble interleukin 6 receptor ( sIL 6 R ) levels < ...
131. Low concentrations of soluble farnesol (0.03 to 3 mM) did not inhibit biofilm formation and did not potentiate the effect of a submaximal concentration of gentamicin.
132. The soluble sugar content in male-sterile lines was lower than that of maintainers'.
133. Basically,[] the brewer's yeast is broken down to release soluble amino acids and proteins.
134. In this paper , the synthesis of soluble conducting polymers was reviewed with emphasis on polyacetylene and its derivates. Their structure, property and recent development are also described.
135. Description: Pale violet powder, insoluble in water, but soluble in mineral acids, It can readily absorb moisture and carbon dioxide.
136. Alum: White crystals, soluble in water. Used for sizing paper.
137. The methods of X-lay image processing and pattern recognition were used to test internal quality of rambutan fruit, the edible rate and the content of soluble solids.
138. The soluble protein content and its SDS-PAGE patterns in leaves of Neosinocalamus affinis, Dendrocalamus farinosus and Bambusa rigida from the different regions of Sichuan province were studied.
139. Description: Cerium Hydroxide is insoluble in water and soluble in strong acid.
140. Wash drawing: A drawing made by a brush in washes with a single pigment of black or dark colour soluble in water, to be reproduced by the half-tone process.
141. It is slightly soluble in water, soluble in aloe when the temperature rises up or exists acid and alkali, hydrolysis speeds up place ammonolysis.
142. Nitrogen more than 300 kg · hm - 2 was not good for the accumulation of ear's soluble sugar contents.
143. Description: Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids.
144. Description: Lanthanum Nitrate is soluble in water and moisture in wet air.
145. Activated zinc oxide was usually preparated by processing the product of double decomposition between the soluble zinc salt and carbonate.
146. The polysaccharide was white, flavourless and soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents, with 90.07% of polysaccharide, 88.25% of glucomannan and 2.53% of protein.
147. No osmyl and no taste. Soluble in Benzene, Acetone, C2H4Cl2, CS2, toluene, party soluble in alcohol, diethyl ether, insoluble in water, gasoline.
148. Wheat flour water soluble pentosan has little influence on dough and bread-making quality.
149. The polymers are readily soluble in polar solvents such as NMP, DMF, and m-cresol etc, and showed excellent optical property.
150. A kind of soluble planar binuclear metal phthalocyanine was synthesized and was characterized by element analysis and FT IR spectra.
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