Antonym: lunar. Similar words: solar system, isolate, isolated, isolation, scholar, scholarship, sole, solid. Meaning: ['səʊlə(r)]
adj. relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun.
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31. The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.
32. Solar power is the conversion of the sun's energy into heat and electricity.
33. The cost of solar power needs to fall before it makes an impact on the energy market.
34. The sun makes up 99.9% of the mass of our solar system.
35. The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.
36. The cars' electric motors are energized by solar cells.
37. By contrast, solar cells are politically acceptable.
38. This is a total solar eclipse.
39. Solar advocates bubble with the possibilities.
40. But solar cells are constantly improving, experts say.
41. Simon Hadlington Solar energy on the cheap?
42. The solar calendar begs to differ.
43. Solar heating is technically and economically feasible.
44. We now know that solar energy is an idea whose time has come.
45. The giant planets, with such feeble solar heating, are also very cold.
46. These red giants were probably close neighbours of the infant sun and the ejected matter fell into the solar nebula.
47. Henceforth the whole cosmos or at least the whole solar system must be conceived as a process of constant historical change.
48. Businesses concerned with the oil industry do not support solar energy research.
49. Twenty-one shots of the solar eclipse hang beside a woman bending over in the bath.
50. Over the past few years wind generators and solar panels have become cheaper.
51. Conventional solar cells rely on silicon crystals,[]( and energy conversion is around 10 percent.
52. At the northern end of the larger bay lie the town of Kalloni and its nearby solar saltworks.
53. The Jorgensens bake lasagne in a solar oven, keep their showers short and cultivate an organic garden in their backyard.
54. Some theorists even believe that solar wind particles hitting the atmosphere may trigger cloud formation.
55. Solar energy is converted by cells on the Solar Car's flanks to drive its electric motor and recharge its back-up batteries.
56. The alleged solar companion star was named Nemesis by its advocates.
57. Its purpose was to rectify an accumulated error between the solar and calendar years since the modifications introduced by Augustus.
58. He is planning another trip into the countryside to demonstrate his solar cells as well as a new solar cooker.
59. The Energy Department has poured millions of research dollars into solar, including $ 65 million this year.
60. At 20 percent efficiency, solar photovoltaic cells in geosynchronous orbit can deliver 270 watts of electric power per square meter continuously.
More similar words: solar system, isolate, isolated, isolation, scholar, scholarship, sole, solid, violate, solely, percolate, resolve, chocolate, violation, dissolve, so long as, gasoline, resolution, large, flare up, declare, collar, salary, at large, secular, largely, similar, regular, all around, by and large.