1. None
so deaf as those that won't hear.

2. Marriage! Nothing else demands
so much from a man!

3. As the touchstone tries gold,
so gold tries man.

4. Man errs
so long as he strives.

5. As a man sows,
so he shall reap.

5. Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
6. None
so blind as those who won't see.

7. Nothing
so certain [sure] as death.

8. As we sow,
so shall we reap.

9. As the life is,
so is the end.

10. Nothing
so necessary for travellers as languages.

11. Home is home, though never
so homely.

So much is mine as I enjoy.

So many men, so many minds.

14. As is the husband,
so is the wife.

15. As the tree falls,
so shall it lie.

So many countries, so many customs.

17. There's nowt
so queer as folk.

18. As they sow,
so let them reap.

19. As a man’s heart is,
so does he speak.

20. As a man lives,
so shall he die.

21. As is the workman
so is the work.

22. Work expands
so as to fill the time available.

23. As the tree,
so the fruit.

24. A friend is not
so soon gotten as lost.

25. Home is home, though (it be) never
so homely.

26. As the fool thinks,
so the bell clinks.

27. As you sow
so shall you reap.

28. As a man is,
so is his company.

29. None
so deaf as those who won’t hear.

30. Home is home, be it never
so homely.

1. See, I told you so.
2. so, that's the way to use computers.
3. She only flatters you so you will help her.
4. So much of what's on TV is pure dross.
5. I've got so much to do.
5. Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
6. I'm not taking any medication. -Is that so?
7. I've eaten so much, I'm really quite uncomfortable.
8. Don't say that kind of thing so loudly.
9. How can she be so petty?
10. Do you know what I mean? --I think so.
11. Why is it taking so long?
12. I'm so grateful for all that you've done.
13. Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement.
14. It feels so good to be home.
15. So, you should buy it now.
16. Don't flatter yourself so much.
17. What makes you so happy?
18. She didn't speak loudly because she was so shy.
19. It's nice of you to say so.
20. He was so solicitous of his guests.
21. Thanks so much for inviting us today.
22. Will it rain today? --I think so.
23. There isn't much merit in doing so.
24. I have so much to do.
25. There is no reason to do so.
26. So, he complained to his boss.
27. Do you need a doctor? --Yes, I think so.
28. So, what happened to my father?
29. What are you so happy about?
30. I've been invited too, so I'll see you then.