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Slave in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+2Posted:2016-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: break one's backbuckle downhard workerknuckle downslavestriverSimilar words: slaveryflavorslamslapislandIslamIslamiccaveMeaning: [sleɪv]  n. 1. a person who is owned by someone 2. someone who works as hard as a slave 3. someone entirely dominated by some influence or person. v. work very hard, like a slave. adj. held in servitude. 
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121 There was no niche or corner of safety for the free black in a slave society.
122 A pumpkin was worth four beans and a slave was worth up to 100.
123 Woolman was on the examining team that went to the Rhode Island port to see the slave ships at close hand.
124 The passage of the act was opposed strenuously by congressmen from border slave states but was carried over their opposition.
125 Some early petitions in 1788 to the Commons on the slave trade came from county meetings held in customary county meeting places.
126 Slavery and the slave trade, however, denied self-love to the slave,[] provoking permanent discontent and possible rebellion.
127 Quite naturally, this refuge for runaways was a provocation as well as a threat to southern slave interests.
128 As the number of blacks increased alarmingly in the colonies, some southern colonists made efforts to control the slave trade.
129 Thomas Jefferson became the third president in 1801 despite published accusations of his seducing two married women and keeping a slave mistress.
130 State legislatures responded by tightening restrictions and supervision of slave activities.
131 This happened a mere seven or eight times a day and Jack was a slave to her whims.
132 There was a female slave working outside, but when Burun rode up she did not even raise her head.
133 He opened his window and hollered down into the courtyard for the scraggy Monkey-boy who had become his slave.
134 She kept four slave girls by her; no one else.
135 Good victuals and ale to any man but a slave master.
136 Thus(, a person who becomes a slave loses this opportunity.
137 There was one Moluccan slave, Enrique, who would act as an interpreter if the crossing was accomplished.
138 Some historians have estimated a slave population in eighth-century Sussex of almost twenty thousand.
139 The precedents for slave control as a local responsibility were well established.
140 For the Berry family, this ancestral slave was exemplary, a model for them to emulate.
141 He pretended to show how an uneducated slave boy could be led to prove Pythagoras' theorem for doubling the square.
142 Initially, the War ment accepted this legalistic definition of slave status.
143 One remains a slave for as long as one still addresses the master and seeks redress from the master.
144 I see myself as a voluntary servant of the composer, not as his slave.
145 Reformists were appalled by the immorality and inhumanity of the slave trade.
146 Later generations were frequently reminded that they were once members of a slave community whom the Lord had mercifully redeemed from bondage.
147 In 1757 Woolman made a second journey into the South, where he found slave owners tense and even hostile to him.
148 A slave might not be ill-treated or subjected to undue hardship.
149 This produced a certain cultural and behavioural differentiation in the slave population, among whom language differences must have been highly significant.
150 But the picture was the same everywhere: a strange mixture of primitive, medieval, slave existence and capitalist life.
More similar words: slaveryflavorslamslapislandIslamIslamiccavehavewavetranslateweaveleavelegislatorsave uphave tohave oncave insave forlegislationlegislativelegislaturetranslationleave offleave outhave a balltravelerleave aloneleave behindhave to do with
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