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Slain in a sentence

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Sentence count:88+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lainplainvillaincomplainexplaincomplaintplaintiffplaintiveMeaning: [sleɪn]  n. people who have been slain (as in battle). adj. killed; `slain' is formal or literary as in "slain warriors". 
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1. Where the deer is slain, some of her blood will lie. 
2. The city was slain by the volcanicity.
3. Hundreds of people gathered to mourn the slain president.
4. Two passengers were slain by the hijackers.
5. He was found slain in an alley two blocks from his apartment.
6. Two Australian tourists were slain.
7. They were slain in the spirit.
8. But the 27-year-old Cosby was slain early Thursday.
9. Tens of thousands were slain, drowned by waves, buried by earthquakes, struck by magical lightning.
10. The warhorses are assumed to be slain or incapacitated, but any surviving crew may continue to fight on foot.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Coretta King is the widow of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
12. Edward M.. Kennedy, the younger brother of the slain president, would be his 1972 rival.
13. If one crewman is slain then the remaining crew can just about cope without reducing the rate of fire.
14. Friday, 29 years after he was slain by a single rifle shot, his assassination is once again a hot topic.
15. Police believe Hansen was slain and his body dumped into a trash container.
16. Upon his release, Osceola vowed retribution; on December 28, Thompson was slain by the Seminoles in retaliation.
17. Now, detectives are investigating the possibility that a fourth woman may have been slain by the retired Army sergeant.
18. Those figures average out to about four spouses a day slain by their partners.
19. In its middle was a statue of a weeping woman holding her slain son.
20. The two settled their lances, rode at each other,( and the pagan knight was slain.
21. Seven senior federal law enforcement officers from Baja California have been slain in the past year.
22. A Pump Wagon is dependent on its crew for mobility, so once its crew are all slain it can not move.
23. Roll two dice scoring 4 and 6 a further 2 men slain.
24. Only five weeks into the year, 16 people have been slain in San Francisco.
25. Some say 1972 was a fight to the death, which left Jacklin as the slain gladiator.
26. Passersby in Los Angeles left snapdragons on the lonely road where Ennis Cosby was slain by an unknown gunman.
27. Kabera said local residents helped soldiers pursue the group, and 11 of them were slain.
28. They said that he had been ambushed while unarmed and slain by a thrust in the back.
29. The toll mounted Friday when three Christians were found slain in sugar cane fields in the nearby village of El Zuheir.
30. One was about a Machine hit man who emerges from early retirement when his wife is slain by a serial murderer.
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