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Simpler in a sentence

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Sentence count:207Posted:2017-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: simplesimpletonsimple sugarherpes simplexsimplemindedpure and simplesimple machinesimple interest
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61. Instead, some of the simpler computations are performed in the retina itself.
62. Some technological capabilities have been enhanced, but the main benefits have been restricted to the simpler parts of the industry.
63. Obviously in such a case predicting trade from factor endowments will be much more complex than in our simpler cases.
64. Labour offers to all those who want simpler local government a new tier of expensive regional government.
65. I was relieved to see her go, for everything was simpler with just the two of us.
66. Their utterances are syntactically simpler, contain a narrower range of semantic content, and less frequently refer outside the here-and-now.
67. We might proceed in this way, but a different approach is simpler.
67. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
68. Political cultures to refer to those in which there are significant proportions of both the simpler and more complex patterns of orientations.
69. The direct and lyrical method of the new poems creates the simpler aesthetic quality of humility.
70. In the superficially simpler terms of plate tectonics, these are the repeated effects of plates splitting and coming together.
71. To its credit, however, it's initially simpler to use than both the Carvin and the Marshall.
72. That is, he can attribute beliefs, desires, intentions, and so forth in giving a simpler account of a complex matter.
73. There is a much simpler explanation of the animal's behaviour.
74. For simpler work, the depth is adjusted merely by setting the cam lever.
75. As the infinite time horizon case is simpler to treat we begin with this.
76. It is more important in simpler forms of learning such as skill learning when it usually means repetition.
77. For the simpler tasks of cataloguing, none the less,( the computer has a major contribution to make and is already making it.
78. MicroHenry is a simpler and cheaper off-line version of Henry, which should start shipping in the summer.
79. The eleventh method, behaviour modification, is less demanding in terms of complex causes and offers a simpler approach to tackling problem people.
80. But being simpler, the missions communicate a clearer essence of what the built environment in Southern California ought to look like.
81. The simpler level is a search for the correct output for some particular instance.
82. His children find European numbering simpler than the Chinese system.
83. Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simplerAlbert Einstein 
84. Both states have recently passed legislation to make securitisation simpler.
85. A naked property tax would be simpler, but it would not be as fair.
86. They make trading simpler and reduce the associated costs leading to increased employment and better quality goods for consumers.
87. One advantage of a rectangular reactor building will be a much simpler overhead crane.
88. Thus a reasonable expectation for the strength of a material would be: which could hardly be much simpler.
89. Coming from a group whose aim is the simpler life, such an entry into the market place raises some intriguing questions.
90. His parents, he knew, had followed a simpler moral code.
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