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Simpler in a sentence

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Sentence count:207Posted:2017-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: simplesimpletonsimple sugarherpes simplexsimplemindedpure and simplesimple machinesimple interest
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91. Fund raising campaigns are simpler to organise and sustain when they are short term sprints aimed at quickly achievable goals.
92. But there was a simpler reason than that: his hunch told him he was not in the mood for it.
93. You can upload through your Web browser but it's simpler with a dedicated program.
94. In these simpler methods no wrapping with linen was undertaken.
95. Controlling your craft couldn't be simpler - plug your joystick in port 2 and get going!
96. But simpler forms of the drugs, including pills combining more than one drug in a single dose, are becoming available.
97. The claim is based presumably on the notion that the new charging system will be simpler.
98. The simpler of the two is based on a resistive sheet,( often just heavy paper with a graphite coating.
99. He and I and Evander were in the trenches together when life seemed simpler.
100. Of course, complicated things consist of lots of simpler things.
101. For the cat to reason this out would require considerable mental agility, but there is of course a simpler explanation.
102. ChemWindow Classic is a simpler version of the program recommended to users who have less powerful systems.
103. The policy conclusions drawn from the simpler model will also still follow.
104. Debbie wore a much simpler dress this time: a cream-colored cotton number that showed off her blond hair and tan.
105. Transcription has the unfortunate tendency to make things seem simpler and more clear-cut than they really are.
106. This process is much simpler and quicker than cleaning a convection oven.
107. It was simpler to screen for antibiotics made by microbes than for antibiotics made by other organisms.
108. Many of the simpler commercial software simulations will be usable with this age group.
109. Only the simpler, uglier land mine has shed more blood.
110. In addition to the more or less complex pathways mapped histologically[], several simpler pathways have now been analysed by electrophysiological recording techniques.
111. Manchester police have an even simpler explanation for the current rise in street crime.
112. Some recipes include hard-boiled eggs and spinach, but this version is simpler and more elegant.
113. Undoubtedly, life would have been simpler had Emilio been safely martyred.
114. The search facility has the practical value of making it quicker and simpler to find your place in the recording.
115. Even the simpler types, such as circular, or tubular, knitting is again a slip stitch.
116. The latter point is debatable and it may only be that the practical aspects of creep measurements are simpler.
117. As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.
118. The process demands simpler information than a collection of attainment target scores.
119. Even in the simpler Newtonian theory of gravity, one can solve the equations exactly only in the case of two particles.
120. These will be simpler for the candidate to answer and will therefore help to keep the atmosphere relaxed.
More similar words: simplesimpletonsimple sugarherpes simplexsimplemindedpure and simplesimple machinesimple interestsimple sentencesimplysimplifysimplicitysimplisticsimplifiedwimpledimplepimpleoversimplifydimpledcrimplesimplificationimplementimplementalimplementedoversimplificationimplementationsimpersimperingsimpaticoample
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