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Builder in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+11 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: constructordetergent builderSimilar words: buildbuild uprebuildbuildingwildernessbuilding materialsbewildermentbuilt upMeaning: ['bɪldə]  n. 1. a substance added to soaps or detergents to increase their cleansing action 2. a person who creates a business or who organizes and develops a country 3. someone who contracts for and supervises construction (as of a building). 
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1. Her father was a builder in Birmingham.
2. He makes a good living as a builder.
3. The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner.
4. The builder looked at me as though I was barking mad.
5. We got a local builder to do the work for us.
6. It's best to find a builder through personal recommendation.
7. The builder reckons 15 man-hours for the job.
8. Has the builder presented his bill yet?
9. Do you know a good builder?
10. The builder bedded the flagstones in concrete.
11. The builder did a rough sketch of how the new stairs would look.
12. We told the builder to finish the job as quickly as possible. Ask sounds a little more polite:He asked me to phone back.
13. Employing the wrong builder can be a horribly expensive mistake .
14. I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen.
15. The job was costed by builder at about $ 1500.
16. The builder gave an approximate cost for fixing the roof.
17. The builder had a commitment to finish the work on time.
18. He worked as a builder in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.
19. Ask the builder to give you a written quotation for the job.
20. The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment.
21. After the big job was finished,[] the builder cut back the number of men looking for him.
21. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
22. A prudent builder should forecast how long the stuff is like to last.
23. The builder designed a new shopping center for the company.
24. We asked our builder to estimate for the repair of the ceiling.
25. The builder is unable to pay due to cash flow problems .
26. If you think that the repair is going to be a difficult job, we'll just have to call in a builder.
27. I did the donkey work but I hired a professional builder for the tricky bits.
28. Most of the bricklaying has been subcontracted to a local builder.
29. Washington advocated the coffee break, then, as a morale builder — particularly for the defense workers.
30. It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site.
More similar words: buildbuild uprebuildbuildingwildernessbuilding materialsbewildermentbuilt upelderelderlyshareholdermildchildwildlifeonly childgrandchildorderriderunderwandertenderrenderin orderpowdergenderleaderderiveborderreaderoutsider
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