Similar words: shallow, marshal, marshall plan, shilly-shally, hall, half, hale, halo. Meaning: [ʃæl; ʃ(ə)l] v.1. plan to, intend to, or expect to: I shall go later. 2. will have to, is determined to, or definitely will: You shall do it. He shall do it. 3. (in laws, directives, etc.) must; is or are obliged to: The meetings of the council shall be public. 4. (used interrogatively in questions, often in invitations): Shall we go?.
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61. Now, let's stop pissing about, shall we?
62. I shall go to London next month.
63. I shall miss you very much.
64. I shall be disengaged on Sunday afternoon.
65. I shall be answerable for what you do.
66. Shall we go to the theatre on Friday?
67. Shall I inquire about the price of tickets?
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
68. I shall be able to go tomorrow.
69. I shall act as you advise.
70. as you sow you shall mow.
71. Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit the earth.
72. Shall we go halves on a bottle of champagne?
73. Insofar as I can say now, I shall come.
74. I shall be disengaged on Friday afternoon.
75. Shall we drive or go by train?
76. What shall we have to finish the meal with?
77. What about Lola - shall we invite her?
78. This time next week I shall be in Scotland.
79. I shall decide for going abroad later.
80. We shall be interested in receiving your comments.
81. Shall I take the empty bottles for recycling?
82. 'But what shall I do?' Bernard wailed.
83. We shall put it aside for the time being.
84. Shall I bag those tomatoes for you?
85. We shall go to see you tomorrow.
86. We shall be interested in hearing your comments.
87. I shall take literature and mathematics this spring.
88. Let's step out for a walk(, shall we?
89. Don't worry. I shall get there safely.
90. Shall we take a pause here?