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Sensed in a sentence

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Sentence count:220+7Posted:2017-06-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: common sensenonsensesensesensesincensedin a sensesixth sensesenselessMeaning: [sens]  adj. detected by instinct or inference rather than by recognized perceptual cues. 
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151. For in the softly spoken comment she had sensed condemnation.
152. It was like she sensed his sadness and fear and became ten times more zany.
153. I wasn't that thrilled with her performance, and I'm sure she sensed it.
154. Although she had sensed that a fiasco like this was inevitable, Amanda fumbled for an appropriate response.
155. Romanov sensed the sort of tension he only felt in the field.
156. Just the same, Wyss found himself sliding, and sensed the others sliding back too, and nothing could stop them.
157. She sensed danger for Toby, but didn't know how to avoid it.
158. Similarly, a historian will make use of statistical techniques to give objective substance to intuitively sensed historical processes or trends.
159. This can sometimes be sensed in elderly persons who are approaching the end.
160. This reversal of roles, she had sensed, would irk him.
161. But I sensed they were getting along fine and easy-sharing private jokes and the like.
162. Besides, maybe Jansher was growing tired and sensed that I was on the verge of launching a dramatic and telling comeback.
163. The bubbles of foam trembled to mist and I sensed the house become dangerous, a mirage to my eyes.
164. David sensed the urge to plant his lips on hers immediately and bite into the yielding flesh.
165. From the mid-eighties onwards, I sensed a change in the cultural scene.
166. I must have reddened, I sensed my ears burning bright.
167. I sensed real enthusiasm and empowerment among some of the fundholders and discovered tangible improvements in patient care.
168. She didn't look like a great warrior, but Hawk sensed her strength immediately.
169. Conversing politely over the tea-cups in the huge drawing-rooms, he sensed their quiet desperation.
170. He sensed their grim satisfaction, something meritorious in the air, some old grievance righted at last.
171. She sensed that the struggle was still there for Edward.
172. Patricia sensed, with some satisfaction, that she was an object of curiosity to the cinema attendants.
173. Cook may have sensed that, like a cloud of anti-matter(, he was fated to destroy whatever he discovered.
174. They were all pleased to enter the great gates of Holy Rood Abbey though Corbett sensed there was something wrong.
175. She sensed that in hitting the target, Ronnie had reinforced his daily lesson of entitlement.
176. But then she sensed he wasn't going to put his emotions into words just then.
177. To talk simply of empires and patriotic duty was sensed to be no longer convincing as a public justification for these sacrifices.
178. Even the hounds sensed something was amiss and became still, tails pressed between hind legs, watching.
178. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
179. The magnetic signals are sensed by induction coils.
180. Beneath Ruth's composure he sensed an uncharacteristic hardness.
More similar words: common sensenonsensesensesensesincensedin a sensesixth sensesenselessroad senseinsensatetensenessmake senseconsensusinsensiblyfive sensesinsensiblenonsensicalinsensitivemake sense ofinsensitivitysense of balancesense of hearingin the strict sensesense of directionsense of responsibilitydensetensecenseroffenseincense
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