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Sensational in a sentence

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Sentence count:132+5Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: excitingexquisitegloriousmagnificentmarvelousstartlingsuperbwonderfulSimilar words: sensationcompensationcondensationdispensationproportional representationconversationalnationalizationrationalMeaning: [sen'seɪʃənl]  adj. 1. causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion 2. commanding attention 3. relating to or concerned in sensation. 
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31. The end result was a sensational bob with a really Sixties feel to it.
32. The press, in particular, printed sensational reports of the happenings at cinemas and concerts featuring rock and roll films and music.
33. But it was only the sensational Jamie, twirling a diamante choker on his index finger.
34. Cornering adjustability verges on the sensational, providing huge entertainment, though the brakes are oversensitive.
35. Emerging local ska finds no better form than super-tight, supremely energetic and consistently sensational Warsaw.
36. Many sensational murder trials of the twentieth century have received extensive press notice and a few have been given saturation news coverage.
37. It's the unusual crime, the sensational trial, that makes the difference to the public.
38. Some of the more sensational reports claimed that Misrati had used his attractive young daughter to gain access to information.
39. An even more sensational racial incident in the summer of 1946 was cause for great public and administrative concern.
40. And that despite a really sensational wall painting by LeWitt, adding some needed color to the gray and black atrium.
41. This understated formal water feature would look sensational nestled in a secret corner of any small garden.
42. The acceleration is sensational and very similar to taking off in a piston-engined aircraft with open cockpit.
43. Were the magnetic field to be found(, Newtonians would celebrate a sensational victory.
44. A string of sensational stories has made them deeply unpopular.
45. Sensational news stories are more likely to provoke outrage than academic work or serious social comment.
46. In spite of the sensational, unfeeling way it had been used, the picture was moving.
47. He was sitting in a new white Jensen sports car that was covered in mud, with a sensational blonde, sensational.
48. Every once in a while the press comes out with sensational stories about Sisters who leave.
49. Diana's close friendship with the bachelor was revealed in sensational tapes published this summer.
50. But now the Clown Prince is poised for a sensational return.
51. He accused witnesses of fabricating sensational testimony just to get their faces on television.
52. Of course, it's a serious disaster, but some of these sensational newspaper reports are just overkill.
53. His career had been ruined by the sensational and damaging stories that appeared in the popular press.
54. I told him it was sensational and would probably die at first exposure to Jack.
55. For one thing,( it was another grating example of Western media zooming in on what to them was sensational exotica.
56. Both provide sensational autumn leaf colour in rich reds and purples.
57. And it has been in the nature of documentary television to also exploit the subject of mental handicap in a sensational fashion.
58. If your experiment is confirmed, it will be a sensational advance.
59. She is the the most sensational woman I have ever seen, he thought.
60. In 1609 came the most sensational discovery of his life.
More similar words: sensationcompensationcondensationdispensationproportional representationconversationalnationalizationrationalnationaleducationalirrationalnationalismnationalistvibrationalirrationallynationalityrationalizenavigationalnational debtoccupationalinternationalorganizationalconfrontationalnational security councilconstitutional conventionprivatisationemotionaladditionalfunctionalcessation
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