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Secret in a sentence

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Sentence count:286+77Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: hiddenmysteriousprivatesecludedAntonym: openSimilar words: in secretsecretarydesecrateconsecratedecreedesecrationdecreedice-creamMeaning: ['sɪːkrɪt]  n. 1. something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on) 2. information known only to a special group 3. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained. adj. 1. not open or public; kept private or not revealed 2. conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods 3. not openly made known 4. communicated covertly 5. not expressed 6. designed to elude detection 7. hidden from general view or use 8. (of information) given in confidence or in secret 9. indulging only covertly 10. having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding 11. the next to highest level of official classification for documents. 
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(181) There was some secret about the source of his wealth.
(182) The auctioneers organized a secret ring to control the sales.
(183) The papers were stored away in a secret place, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance.
(184) He will not tell anyone, the secret will die with him.
(185) They tried to get out her secret but she did not speak.
(186) The location for the wedding is a closely-guarded secret .
(187) The government kicked a foreign secret agent out of the country.
(188) They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster.
(189) 'Let the cat out of the bag' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.
(190) The secret was never told until after the old man's death.
(191) It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secret—it's public knowledge already.
(192) We were trying to keep it a secret from Pete, but Portia spilled the beans.
(193) They stated themselves to be members of a secret society.
(194) 'Why did you tell her our secret?' 'I did no such thing!'
(195) There is one member of the committee who failed to keep the agreement secret, and the chairman is gunning for him.
(196) Careful pruning at the right time is the secret of success with roses.
(197) He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.
(198) Secret information allowed the police to be ready and waiting when the robbers came out of the bank.
(199) It's a secret, so don't go shooting your mouth off about
(200) She swore me not to tell anybody about my secret.
(201) She blurted the secret out before we could stop her.
(202) Some secret service agents turned up, all wearing the obligatory raincoat and hat.
(203) Their secret engagement was finally revealed. I always say murder will out.
(204) What was Betty getting at when she said she knew our secret?
(205) It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secret — it's common knowledge already.
(206) Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret.
(207) All the people who know this secret represent a security risk.
(208) It's the story of a secret affair between a married teacher and her teenage student.
(209) That's why I must trust you to keep this secret.
(210) The Secret Service smelled out a plot to kill the President.
More similar words: in secretsecretarydesecrateconsecratedecreedesecrationdecreedice-creamdecrepitdecreasedecrescentrecreationexcreteconcretefertile crescentaccretionsyncreticdiscretiondecrysec.recruitscarecrowsecedeinsectsectorsecuresecondnecromancerrecruitmentseclude
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