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Sank in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+34Posted:2016-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sandpeasantsandwichchitosansanctiontankrankblank
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(61) The Party sank deeper into the mire of conflict.
(62) In 1912, the Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.
(63) It fell onto the wet sand, then sank .
(64) She sank back, unwilling to face her father's anger.
(65) He sank into deep melancholy.
(66) The boat sank with all her crew.
(67) His acting career started brilliantly, then sank into mediocrity.
(68) He sank deeper into depression.
(69) The moon sank below the hills.
(70) Their standard of living steadily sank down.
(71) The rain sank into the dry ground.
(72) It sank to the bottom of the sea.
(72) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(73) The ship struck a mine and sank.
(74) Her eyes sank deep into their sockets.
(75) The ship sank in mountainous seas.
(76) The dog sank its teeth into my leg .
(77) The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage .
(78) The ship sank 10 miles out of Stockholm.
(79) The dog sank its teeth into my arm.
(80) Her second symphony sank without a trace.
(81) The minister sank to his knees and prayed.
(82) She sank to the ground, exhausted.
(83) It sank in a howling gale.
(84) We sank a few pints at the pub first.
(85) The typhoon sank a ferry, drowning over 200 people.
(86) They sank a bottle of gin between them.
(87) She felt desperately tired, and her spirits sank.
(88) He was very tired and sank into a chair.
(89) The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.
(90) The ship sank ten miles out of Stockholm.
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