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Jellyfish in a sentence

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Sentence count:102+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fisheryfishermanfishingselfishloaves and fishesintellectuallyapply fordilly-dallyMeaning: n. 1. large siphonophore having a bladderlike float and stinging tentacles 2. any of numerous usually marine and free-swimming coelenterates that constitute the sexually reproductive forms of hydrozoans and scyphozoans. 
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1. You can get a nasty sting from a jellyfish.
2. Some types of jellyfish have a powerful sting.
3. The sting of a jellyfish is very painful.
4. Her husband is a perfect jellyfish.
5. They look rather like elongated jellyfish and appear to have no structural virtues.
6. Like jellyfish, they have only one opening to their gut through which they both take in food and eject waste.
7. Between these, a hundred jellyfish as delicate and as translucent as rose petals pulsate like butterflies.
8. Those waters remained the domain of the jellyfish and other floating invertebrates.
9. I can feel myself dissolving where the jellyfish stings me.
10. But afraid of the stinging jellyfish that shimmered, ghostlike, underneath the surface, I never even tried.
11. Tofu by texture is what jellyfish are made of, all soft and squishy and unearthly.
12. Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria.
13. How many jellyfish can you see? One, two, three!
14. A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.
15. A jellyfish crop circle in Kingston Coombes, Oxfordshire.
16. A jellyfish is a spineless animal.
17. Dory, That a jellyfish! Bad Squishy!
18. After an hour, my hands turned limp, like free-swimming jellyfish puckered in little wrinkles and folds along the fingertips.
19. Though not as deadly as the sea wasp, this jellyfish can cause severe irritation if it stings a human.
20. You can see his bones through his warty hide, like a jellyfish, like an X-ray.
21. The little-known sea wasp, in spite of its name, is actually a jellyfish.
22. There are also stinging cells with coiled threads inside them, the unique possessions of the jellyfish tribe.
23. I was going for a swim, until the people in the hotel warned me about the jellyfish.
24. Grant starts the motor and makes soup of the
25. But its live counterpart does not glow, even though tests show the jellyfish genes are present.
26. These species float near the surface of the water on their feathery extended tentacles and hunt jellyfish.
27. There they give just the same protection to their new owners as they did to the jellyfish that developed them.
28. Life is a beautiful magnificent thing, even to a jellyfishCharlie Chaplin 
29. The simplest creatures to possess these physical characteristics are the jellyfish and their relatives.
30. Waves of anger jolted through him and his face seemed suddenly magnified while it flattened like a jellyfish.
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