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Renewed in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+15Posted:2017-05-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: screwedrenewrenegeserenerenewableneopreneawarenesssorenessMeaning: [rɪ'nuː /-'nju-]  adj. restored to a new condition. 
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121. Within the denominational sector this renewed emphasis was considered to be an excellent forward step.
122. But it was during the war that real expansion occurred as branches turned with renewed vigour to improve child and maternity welfare.
123. It is precisely this capacity for renewed interpretation that makes literature of more than simply historical interest.
124. Would a renewed Labour Party imply a revived trade union movement?
125. The athletic director renewed his efforts to force the university to remove the sculpture.
126. Over 25 States have continuing education requirements that funeral directors must meet before a license can be renewed.
127. Peter renewed his interest in art two years when his son studied the subject at college.
128. According to Moscow radio reports there followed a renewed rampage by rioters through the city resulting in extensive damage.
129. If the valuation officer himself makes an alteration for whatever reason, for example, a renewed right exists.
130. Prospects for diplomatic initiatives - US-Soviet statement Amid renewed calls for an immediate ceasefire there were reports of continued diplomatic initiatives.
131. Rear-Admiral von Reuter, anticipating renewed conflict, commanded his fleet of seventy-two ships to be either scuttled or beached.
132. In the debate referred to, the senior judges renewed their attack.
133. Firstly, renewed efforts can be made to constrain the power of those who manage the large public company.
134. The knowledge gave him renewed confidence, and now the strange bizarre names came to him more easily.
135. But the following month saw a renewed wave of strikes paralyse St Petersburg, Moscow and many provincial cities.
136. If they die the whole campaign to save the condor by captive breeding could come under renewed attack.
137. With an added purpose in his step, he continued on his way,[] returning to Coriolanus with renewed vigour.
138. The Commission later renewed its efforts and issued a revised proposal in 1989.
139. The Equitable debacle has brought renewed accusations of mis-selling and turned a spotlight on the effectiveness of regulation.
140. If the injection pipette is renewed between operations, solutions can be injected using the simpler in vitro injection pipette. 10.
141. Old gutters, downpipes and fascia boards will be replaced and ceiling plaster damaged by water renewed.
142. The move may signal a renewed campaign against rebels, who have resumed attacks.
143. Never one to give in, he rubbed the sleepy dust from his eyes and renewed his attack.
144. The President has renewed a push to get the hostages freed.
145. However, if shown a new and different picture, they demonstrate renewed inter-est.
146. The mission left the community leaders with a renewed sense of vigor and confidence.
147. When Checkland's contract came up for renewal, it was renewed only for a token year.
148. Renewed unrest among would-be emigrants Unrest among would-be emigrants erupted again on April 26.
149. But Mr Reynolds said that renewed efforts were needed to find a political settlement in Northern Ireland.
150. He has it in him and is showing renewed interest.
More similar words: screwedrenewrenegeserenerenewableneopreneawarenesssorenessrenegadegangreneserenelyfreneticnonrenewablesolar energynon-renewableurban renewalpolystyreneentrepreneurnuclear energyrene descartesrenewable resourceewefewerjewelwedviewerfarewellskewerjewelrywedge
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