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Renewed in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+15Posted:2017-05-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: screwedrenewrenegeserenerenewableneopreneawarenesssorenessMeaning: [rɪ'nuː /-'nju-]  adj. restored to a new condition. 
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151. Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
152. There was thus little in the second reign to stir up renewed animosity towards the Woodvilles.
153. The first of these aid and trade agreements was signed in 1975 and has been renewed four times.
154. Aung San renewed his appeal to Nu to come in.
155. Then with a renewed effort I managed to get it to moan like a person in pain.
156. She ran off to friends in Crete for sunshine and consolation, and returned with renewed vigour.
157. The drainage system over some sections of route has also had to be refurbished or renewed.
158. Yesterday, the parents renewed their campaign to save the school when they protested outside Strathclyde's headquarters in Glasgow.
159. A renewed effort to raise the minimum wage, for instance, may come from Sen.
160. Johnnie Warburton renewed his acquaintance with Jack when they were designated to work alternate shifts.
161. Michael Banks, too, started with renewed confidence and got further into the text than he ever had before without error.
162. There, the president would announce their renewed commitment to peace and send them on their way back to the region.
163. Such small changes are invaluable in giving themes renewed vitality, while at the same time preserving unity.
164. When the Seminoles and blacks responded to this perfidy by refusing to cooperate in their removal, Jesup renewed warfare.
165. Royal charters bore witness to renewed vigour outside the demesne as in it.
166. Some 15,000 people have fled the city, following renewed fighting.
166. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
167. The death brought renewed calls for stiffer penalties for killers of policemen.
168. The disclosure of Labour's latest spoiling tactic highlighted renewed confidence at Millbank in the face of dire Tory poll results.
169. With renewed fighting for control of the capital, there seems to be no end to the region's agony.
170. When Keyishian refused to sign a certificate stating he was not a Communist, his contract was not renewed.
171. The departure of UN troops could lead to renewed fighting.
172. The effectiveness of training and development should be reviewed at the top level and lead to renewed commitment and target setting.
173. It is to such renewed life and joy that the meditation on the Passion in Ego Dormio points.
174. The drainage system over some sections of route has had to be refurbished or renewed.
175. In the 1970s there was a renewed interest in site-related folklore.
176. The same may be said of the renewed attention to the spiritual dimension of life.
177. The effort of pulling back the curtain brought a renewed stab of pain.
178. These are under renewed scrutiny, in our own day, by Vasareley.
179. But renewed tension in Corsica over recent weeks has again brought demands for an amnesty to the forefront.
180. The Star was reborn in 1941 with a new format and a renewed sense of purpose.
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