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Rape in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+6Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Brassica napusassaultcolzadespoildishonordishonouroutrageplunderrapineravishravishmentspoilviolateviolationSimilar words: grapepapertapeagapenewspaperlandscapetrapwrapMeaning: [reɪp]  n. 1. Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop 2. the act of despoiling a country in warfare 3. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will. v. 1. force (someone) to have sex against their will 2. destroy and strip of its possession. 
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121. Indeed, Wills J. appeared to query the very existence of a marital rape exemption.
122. What is the scale of threat from this stem canker disease to the rape crops now drilled?
123. It follows Operation Orchid, a police investigation into missing boys after a gang rape murder in London.
124. The research on date rape has helped shape prevention programs, but with few results.
125. We have already told of another victim still too frightened to tell police of the day Courtney tried to rape her.
126. Despite saturating the area with herbicide, he found rogue oilseed rape plants thriving in ditches and around telephone poles.
127. The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
128. Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
129. No relevant issues were raised, no acknowledgment that rape is about male power, or even that it is wrong.
130. In 1971 this offender had been given a ten-year sentence for attempting to rape a 69-year-old woman.
131. He justifies this view on the ground that rape is a very serious offence to which serious penalties attach.
132. The ultimate nightmare of almost every man is to witness helplessly the rape of his wife.
133. Juveniles 15 and older committing rape or forcible assault are named prominently in offenses automatically transferred to adult court.
134. It has been pointed out above that historically the law of rape was exclusively concerned with the protection of virginity.
135. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for rape and other sexual crimes against women.
136. Separation is not always the factor which is chosen to delimit the marital rape exemption.
137. Many women believe that the punishment for rape should be life imprisonment.
138. This potential increase of reporting rape incidents became the main rationale for seeking anonymity for the victim.
139. Lula's face was twisted with disgust as she remembered the rape.
140. Two centuries after Hale's pronouncement,( Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms.
141. It's hardly surprising that we should be deeply suspicious of any attempt to deal with a subject as charged as rape.
142. After the rape, I just wanted to erase it from my mind.
143. Why didn't she become a rape counsellor or a psychiatric nurse?
144. Conclusion From its earliest origins,( rape was a narrowly defined offence.
145. Tamar obviously had no knowledge that the man who had attempted to rape her was working on her husband's estate.
146. A few cases dominate this reporting, while just over one-half of the rape cases mentioned appeared only in one sample newspaper.
147. Lesbians put their weight behind issues such as child care, abortion, race, battered wives and rape.
148. The incidence of violent crimes -- murder, rape, and assault -- has increased in inner city areas.
149. Reid was being held without bail on five counts of rape and several other charges stemming from the string of attacks.
150. Farming practice in recent years has moved to autumn ploughing and early sowing of oil-seed rape and winter wheat.
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