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Questioning in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+22Posted:2017-06-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: questionin questionquestion markquestionablecall in questionpop the questionquestionnairebeyond questionMeaning: ['kwestʃənɪŋ]  n. a request for information. adj. 1. perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know) 2. marked by or given to doubt 3. showing curiosity. 
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151. Three suspects were taken into custody and police were questioning them Friday morning.
152. An elderly colonel with a steel gray crew cut stood to one side, ready to intervene if the questioning got difficult.
153. My new friend was the first step in questioning whether that was true.
154. Does she perform several different speech acts with the word, questioning, commanding, wishing, stating?
155. Coleridge uses his poetic creativity to achieve his end, questioning, exploring and explaining.
156. The steady injection into the wider culture of such a questioning and critical element will be uncomfortable to society.
157. He spoke of pretty girls cooing to him on college campuses and of assistant coaches questioning his manhood.
158. These projects encourage a questioning attitude, and the application of nursing research findings to patient care by the ward team.
159. On further questioning, the young woman admitted to frequent use of laxatives.
160. Toward the mid-1970s, the Army inspector general took notice of the situation and began questioning procurement officials.
161. Police are holding two men for questioning in connection with the robbery.
162. I have had many letters asking for advice and questioning the use of bark and shavings because of coral spot fungus appearing.
163. A few years after revealing her diagnosis, Collyar said, she became aware of rumors questioning her ability to perform.
164. Because we are still questioning the assumptions, there are no theories.
165. After questioning the messenger boy for some three hours, Berret and Harris released him.
166. Even on the applicant's argument the immunity against questioning is overridden by the Act during this interval.
167. A group of them even inVited one of the prominent leftist student spokesmen to attend the lectures and help direct the questioning.
168. Ten minutes with Morgan was more informative than all the rest of his questioning put together.
169. The second dimension implies the need for self-conscious implementation of equal opportunities and the questioning and revision of routine practices.
170. They went from door to door, questioning everyone, systematically searching for trapdoors.
171. It is a liberal questioning of criminal statistics collected and collated by the police themselves.
172. He expected her to leave the company without questioning his decision, but he was wrong.
173. The Labour party is almost alone in the world in questioning the benefits of competitive tendering.
173. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
174. A placebo, superficial and cosy, to lull the world into no longer questioning.
175. Naomi sends questioning looks, keen for an update on the dybbuk saga.
176. The responses covered a period of time from 1983 to 1992 and pertained to practices at the time of questioning.
177. He seems to become especially intense when questioning turns to the issue of capital punishment.
178. This has resulted in the questioning of the neutrality of science and technology as they are at present practised in our society.
179. The second you stop questioning yourself is the second that you become the monster. Laurell K. Hamilton 
180. We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.
More similar words: questionin questionquestion markquestionablecall in questionpop the questionquestionnairebeyond questionwithout questionunquestionablyunquestionableout of the questioncall into questionrationingrhetorical questionpositioningconditioningrepositioningair conditioningglobal positioning systemsequestrationenvisioningprovisioningnoninterventiondigestionsuggestioncongestionestimationdestinationrestitution
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