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Psychiatric in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+5Posted:2017-09-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: psychiatricalSimilar words: psychiatristpsychiatrypsychometricspsychicpsychicspsychicalpediatricgeriatricMeaning: [‚saɪkɪ'ætrɪk(l)]  adj. relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry. 
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91 I was transcribing an interview with a former administrative executive of a private, for-profit psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents.
92 Ken Mentle argued that Trevor needed psychiatric treatment more than another chance in an Athletico shirt.
93 Read in studio People who survive road accidents can go on to develop severe psychiatric problems, according to a report out today.
94 The unnamed man, from Baden-Baden, about 40 miles from Stuttgart, was taken to a psychiatric clinic.
95 Throughout the modern era, psychiatric care has been misunderstood and stigmatized.
96 But McQuay was released directly from the psychiatric prison and driven to the San Antonio lockup by prison officials.
97 He put her on probation for three years on condition she remained an in-patient at a psychiatric hospital.
98 It results from the attempt to provide relief from psychiatric illnesses and has only recently begun to be recognised.
99 Referrals to community psychiatric nurses are chargeable to the fund but those to social workers are not.
100 Early attachment behaviour is crucial to understanding later psychiatric problems.
101 Is it the specific disorder, a particular personality trait associated with the disorder[], or a general vulnerability to psychiatric disturbance?
102 Unfortunately, the very psychiatric definition of identity that helped fuel this affirming development also helped fuel a rising prejudice against gays.
103 We now have a new healthcare worker -- a psychiatric nurse practitioner.
104 The campus is an inpatient psychiatric hospital specializing in adult care.
105 This patient was put on a yeast-free diet, and given a second psychiatric assessment when her bowel symptoms had resolved.
106 She checks herself into the psychiatric ward of our local hospital.
107 She works as a psychiatric nurse in a local hospital.
108 About 30 percent use injection drugs, and 33 percent have a psychiatric disorder.
109 Since September,( du Pont has been undergoing treatment at a state psychiatric hospital after being diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
110 The use of compulsion in psychiatric care is not just a procedural, professional matter.
111 Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
112 The other pattern is that the child has psychiatric or psychological problems or is dependent on drugs or alcohol.
113 In others, the general hospital psychiatric service will be able to provide aftercare, including where necessary, family therapy.
114 She was ordered by a judge to undergo psychiatric evaluation, the source said.
115 The psychiatric model added other, more pejorative, associations with overweight.
116 Were he alive today, Tchaikovsky would be a candidate for psychiatric counseling and drug therapy.
117 At one point, when no physical problem that might cause the vomiting had been found, a psychiatric consultation was requested.
118 Professional counselors, psychiatrists, and psychiatric hospitals have great gifts to offer.
119 In recent years a policy of discharging long-stay psychiatric patients into the community has been introduced.
120 As with anorexia, the condition tends to recur after traditional forms of hospital treatment in medical or psychiatric units.
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