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Pleased in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+49Posted:2016-12-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: proud ofSimilar words: displeasedpleaseincreasedreleasepleasingpleasuredispleasingeaseMeaning: [plɪːzd]  adj. 1. experiencing or manifesting pleasure 2. feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth. 
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151. I'll be only too pleased to help them out with any queries.
152. My brother was as pleased as Punch when he passed his driving test.
153. Now he's passed his driving test, he's as pleased as Punch.
154. I was pleased to note that my name had been spelt correctly for once.
155. We were going to have the luxury of a free weekend, to rest and do whatever we pleased.
156. I had no doubt that the craven fellow would be only too pleased to back out.
157. I am pleased to announce the enlargement of the History Department by three new teachers.
158. Do I gather from the look on your face that you're not pleased with the result?
159. Mr and Mrs James are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Henrietta.
160. He wasn't too pleased/happy when I told him about the mistake.
161. I'm so pleased that I've been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again!
162. I'm terribly pleased to hear that you've got a job.
163. I'm pleased to see that our fears about the weather proved totally unfounded.
164. Although pleased, Henson added a caution that the team still has a long way to go.
165. "We're so pleased to meet you at last(, " he said in a respectful tone of voice.
166. Her mother was pleased that she chose a college close to home.
167. We were so pleased when our team got through to the last part of the competition.
168. It pleased critics but ran for only three years in the West End.
169. I was pleased, but somewhat embarrassed, when she pursued me.
170. I pointed out several mistakes and carefully repeated my original instruction; that is to say, I told him I was not at all pleased with his work.
171. I couldn't help smiling when I thought of how pleased she was going to be.
172. We shall be pleased to see you if you came to look in any time you're passing.
173. Pleased to meet you.
174. He beamed broadly at them, clearly very pleased to see them.
175. Whichever day you come, we will be pleased to see you.
176. She was none too pleased at having to do it all again.
177. "Jennifer," Miss Mallory said, "this is Leigh Van-Voreen." — "Pleased to meet you," Jennifer said.
178. Drake and his cohorts were not pleased with my appointment.
178. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
179. I'm pleased to see that they're ringing the changes in the staff canteen. The new menus are much more interesting.
180. You will be pleased to know that we have accepted your offer.
More similar words: displeasedpleaseincreasedreleasepleasingpleasuredispleasingeasepleabased onceasepleadat easediseasedeceaseincreaseappeaseleastdecreaseat leastin the leastnot in the leastphasecasebaseamusedseduceused tolaserabase
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