Synonym: phonic. Similar words: genetic, genetics, frenetic, magnetic, splenetic, diamagnetic, paramagnetic, magnetic field. Meaning: [fə'netɪk] adj. 1. of or relating to speech sounds 2. of or relating to the scientific study of speech sounds.
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91. Then, this paper introduces the application of COMS in statistical analysis, voice operation demonstrator and phonetic analysis .
92. Lines 08 to 11 replace each letter in the word with its phonetic code.
93. Adopting the method of describing and comparing, after investigation and reorganization, this paper get the phonetic system, and get roughly understanding to the appearance of the Min Dialect.
94. There are two kinds of puns, phonetic pun and semantic pun.
95. Sometimes different Chinese ship with different name has the same phonetic alphabets, only use the ship's call sign could identify them.
96. In phonetic system, there are 31 initials, 42 finals and 9 tones.
97. While both Soundex and Metaphone algorithms solve phonetic fuzzy matching very well, no spell checking application is complete without typo correction.
98. His research mainly focuses on phonetic variation and change and the patterns of convergence and divergence in the Dutch language area.
99. That's the case with phonetic, languages. When the speech center in the left brain is damaged, speech is lost.
100. Tone sandhi as a common phonetic phenomena in Chinese dialect.
101. This thesis finds the phonetic types of the prefixes of Mon-Khmer languages by investigating the phonetics of the prefixes of Khemu, De'ang, Mang, Bulang, Wa and Cambodian.
102. We combinative philosophy and cognitive linguistics in order to investigate the semantic ambiguity of the time phrase from the phonetic thought characteristic, the concept.
103. English Phonetic Symbol Scale-memory Approach (PSSEA)was proposed by LONG Xiang aiming at the teaching of phonetic symbols for basic English.
104. More English knowledge: English alphabet, English phonetic , English idiom, English Toponym(, English Irregular Verb etc.
105. Non-equilibrium force could reshuffle grammatical relation of former compounding bordering, which sheds new light on the research of Chinese phonetic synthesizing.
106. Coarticulation: a kind of phonetic process in which simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved.
107. In teaching, we should pay attention both to it's phonetic value and retroflexed feature.
108. The consonant that begins a syllable is called an initial and there are 21 of them in modern Chinese(the international Phonetic Alphabet in the brackets).
109. A mastery of the International Phonetic Alphabet is the basis for learning English.
110. After that, the author researches concretely the tone, phonetic transcription and the dialect Hesser used in his book.
111. Question 9 : Now I am learning the phonetic symbol, I feel it is very difficult.
112. At present, three different Lahu alphabetic writing systems are used at home and abroad: the Tentative Writing System, the Phonetic Writing System and the Matisoff Writing System.
112. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
113. At the same time, the function of phonetic time which is assembled with WTV series 20S phonetic chip is further discussed.
114. It is used to represent a voiceless retroflex plosive in the International Phonetic Alphabet, and is used some alphabets of African languages.
115. The system makes use of the phonetic data base made up of a wave form file layout of PCM and converts the text flow to phoneme flow through symphony of the time domain wave form.
116. In addition, the approach of phonetic experiment is applied to analyze developmental patterns of tome sandhi.
117. More than 80% cases got normal speech or phonetic function and the others could also take normal language exchange although they spoke with hoarseness.
118. Best guess: If no suggestions have been found, add all dictionary words that have the same phonetic code as the misspelled word and with the smallest edit distance from the misspelled word.
119. The introduction of historical comparative approach can describe the circumstance of word sense and phonetic sounds in the historical period e...
120. The new multifunction IR ( infrared Ray ) phonetic thermometer with a non - contact temperature measurement is presented.
More similar words: genetic, genetics, frenetic, magnetic, splenetic, diamagnetic, paramagnetic, magnetic field, ferromagnetic, magnetic domain, electromagnetic, molecular genetics, electromagnetic wave, electromagnetic spectrum, phone, phony, homophone, cell phone, telephone, siphon off, symphony, cellphone, cacophony, microphone, telephony, euphonious, mobile phone, monetize, monetise, at one time.