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Persuasion in a sentence

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Sentence count:203+16Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: dissuasionSimilar words: persuasivepersuasivelypersuadeevasionunder suspicioninvasionoccasionabrasionMeaning: [pər'sweɪʒn /pə's-]  n. 1. the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action 2. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. 
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181. Our method will be that of persuasion , not coercion.
182. In order to resolve the above contradiction, the burden of proof was divided into the burden of producing evidence and the burden of persuasion.
183. In the first section, the argument is based on the Cassirer's philosophy of Symbolic Culture so that to discuss the theoretical approach and philosophical persuasion of Iconology.
184. Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion but I converted to narcissism.
185. Relations between burden of persuasion and burden of proof have been a hot point in law circles.
186. First of all, developing persuasion, highlighting the advantages of this enterprise.
187. It depends on exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.
188. The act of persuasion, coming after some sly, charmingly nasty give-and-take between the American and the Londoner at a bar, is a lesson in the seamless blend of acting styles.
189. From this table too came Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion.
189. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
190. With the appropriate persuasion, increasing the security of your authentication schemes can be as easy as applying these control algorithms to your current password entry code.
191. She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (live-in boyfriend Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
192. Marimba is one of popular persuasion musical instruments with rhythm in the world.
193. Most of the best lawyers and salespeople really have a gift for persuasion.
194. Sid Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissism.
195. The pieces of the puzzle include attention-getting, image-building, and some friendly persuasion.
196. Persuasion is great for immediate effect, but learning matters over the long-haul.
197. Blarney Castle ( dating from the 15 th century ) is the site of the Blarney Stone and persuasion.
198. Persuasion, not coercion, is the only way to convince people.
199. Judicially, we should utilize judge's discretion for application of inverting the burden of persuasion and choice of medical identifications.
200. The writer thinks burden of persuasion and burden of proof have connection and different...
201. She adds: "The polished punctuation and epigrammatic style we see in Emma and Persuasion is simply not there."
202. She completely dispelled the persuasion that Asia was in some irrevocable way hopelessly behind Europe.
203. Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissi.
More similar words: persuasivepersuasivelypersuadeevasionunder suspicioninvasionoccasionabrasionpervasionoccasionalon occasionversionoccasionallyaversionaspersioninversiondiversionconversionquasiversusvisionfusionsessiontensionpensionerosionpassioncessionmansionallusion
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