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Pedicled in a sentence

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Sentence count:95Posted:2020-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pediclearticled clerkradiclearticledpedicabpedicelpedicurepedicular
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91. Objective To provide anatomical basis of periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel for occipito-cervical fusion.
92. Conclusion The transplanting operative design of upper fibular bone flap pedicled with circumflex fibular neck artery was feasible.
93. Conclusion:Cranial outer table flap pedicled with the occipital artery could be used in occipitocervical fusion.
94. Conclusion: The transposition of wide fascia flap pedicled with LSGA may be designed for reconstruction genicular cruciate ligament.
95. Method: Thirty - two anterior feet of extensive avulsion injury were repaired with pedicled calf fasciocutaneous flap.
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