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Pedicled in a sentence

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Sentence count:95Posted:2020-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pediclearticled clerkradiclearticledpedicabpedicelpedicurepedicular
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61. Objective:To discuss the operative method to repair soft tissue defection by ectocnemial skin flap pedicled with cutaneous branches of the peroneal artery.
62. Methods Applying upper eyebrow pedicled dermis -fat petal to fill the local temporal depression or augment superciliary, accompanied with eyebrow lifting.
63. Objective To investigate the anatomical character and clinical application value of external malleolus periosteum bone flap pedicled with facia and external malleolus anterior artery.
64. Objective To study the effect of transposition of vascular pedicled iliac bone flap with ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery for adult ischemic femoral neck necrosis.
65. Conclusion:The "new trachea"consisting of a pedicled platysma mycoutaneous flap with Ni Ti alloy mesh stent is a suitable implant for cervical tracheal replacement.
66. Conclusion:The transposition of the partial clavicular bone flap pedicled with sternocleidomastoid muscle is suitabe for repairing mandibular defect.
67. Objective: To provide the anatomic basis for transposition of pedicled gracile muscle flap for repairing the injury of perineum.
68. Conclusion The procedure is an ideal treatment for the avascular necrosis of the femoral head and femoral neck fracture by pedicled bone flap with deep iliac circumflex artery.
69. Methods 36 cases of old femoral neck fracture in young adults were treated by multiple screws and iliac osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with deep iliac circumflex blood vessel.
70. Objective: To provide anatomical basis for the application of the lower medial leg fasciocutaneous flap pedicled with the intermuscular branch of the posterior tibial artery.
71. Conclusion Periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel could be used in the surgical procedure of occipito-cervical fusion.
72. Conclusion The condylus osteocutaneous flap pedicled with the saphenous vessels can repair the upper two thirds leg defects when used for reversed transposition.
73. According to the results the femoral osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with the descending genicular vessels was designed for repairing the defect of the middle distal femur.
74. The nasolabial skin flaps pedicled with the infraorbital artery were used to repair the nasal tissue defects.
75. Conclusions: It was feasible to design an anterograde or reverse island flap pedicled with he nutrient vessels of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
76. Objective:To provide anatomic basis of cranial outer table flap pedicled with the occipital artery for occipitocervical fusion.
77. Objective To summarize the experience of repairing dura mater by use of pedicled temporalis fascial flap.
78. Methods 32 cases(38 hips) of medium and late stage ischemic femoral neck necrosis were treated with vascular pedicled iliac bone flap with ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery.
79. We designed the combined osteoperiosteal flap of tibia distal segment and fibula pedicled with peroneal vessels based on what was found.
80. Conclusion : The inguinal skin flap pedicled with anterior cutaneous branch of iliohypogastric nerve was feasible for reconstructing sensory function of the hand.
81. Conclusion Mitomycin C plus corneal limbal stem cells autografting and mitomycin C plus transference of pedicled conjunctival flap are two ideal therapeutic methods for recurrent pterygium.
82. Methods : Apply transposition of medial femoral condylus osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with the joint branches of descending genicular vessels to repair.
83. Objective:To summarize clinical application of the medial sural artery pedicled muscle flap to cover soft tissue defects on the prepatellar region.
84. Objective:To introduce blood vessel variation and its treatment during the transferring of skin flap pedicled with dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery.
85. Conclusion The anconeus muscle flap pedicled with the medial collateral artery can be design to cover the defects over radiocapitellar joint,( the olecranon and the distal humerus.
86. Rid-muscle flap and ring pedicled with vessels were made of the 3rd rib and the attaching intercostal muscles, and the tracheoplasty and tracheal restoration were performed.
87. Objective To summarize the curative effect of sartorius pedicled iliac graft combined with compressive screw in treatment of femoral neck fractures in youth or middle age.
88. Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the clinical application of distally pedicled peroneus brevis musculocutaneous flaps.
89. The second toe pedicled with the first and second plantar metatarsal artery was taken to reconstruct the index finger.
90. Conclusion Pedicled greater omentum is a good covering tissue for repair of spontaneous rupture of esophagus.
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