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Pedicled in a sentence

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Sentence count:95Posted:2020-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pediclearticled clerkradiclearticledpedicabpedicelpedicurepedicular
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1. Pedicled jaw-neck flap on preauricular region 3 cases.
2. Conclusion The pedicled temporalis fascial flap is ideal material for repairing impaired dura mater with the advantages of cutting conveniently, operating simply and at less cost.
3. Objective To report the procedure of tissue flap pedicled with anterior interosseous artery and its dorsal branch.
4. Methods:Combination of taking preputial and scrotal pedicled skin flaps respectively was carried out to reconstruct the urethra of hypospadias.
5. Conclusion: Reconstruction of the anterior skull base using pedicled flaps of pericrania and aponeurotica galea is able to prevent postoperative complications of the anterior skull base surgery.
6. Conclusions: Pedicled iliac bone with ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery is an effective way of treating nonunion cases of femoral neck fractures in young adults.
7. To investigate the protective effects of pedicled omental transposition on the kidney with glomerulosclerosis.
8. Conclusion Pedicled - fibula transposition is a choice method for repairing massive defects of tibia and femur.
9. Objective:To evaluate the clinical application value of pedicled ileocecum interposition graft as gastric replacement during the operation for cardia carcinoma.
10. Conclusion Radial midforrarm flap pedicled with intermuscular branch of radial artery can be transferred to repair soft tissue defect of elbow, forearm or hand.
11. Conclusion:The medial tibial periosteal flap pedicled with the inferior patellar branches can be transposed for the treatment of the defect of genicular articular surface.
12. Objective To apply reverse island flap pedicled with neurocutaneous nutrition vessel in the repairing of tissue defects of hand and ankle.
13. Conclusions The intermediate femoral neurocutaneous flap pedicled with vastus medialis perforators can be developed to repair soft tissue defects around knee joint.
14. ConclusionThe first finger dorsa island flap with neurovascular pedicled is an effective method for treatment of skin and deep soft tissue in thumb.
15. Concolusion The subscapular artery pedicled compound flap has rich vascular anastomoses and is suitable for the reconstruction of larger defect.
16. ObjectiveTo study and analyze the clinical effect of first finger dorsa island flap with neurovascular pedicled for thumb trauma.
17. Methods From 1993 to 2001,17 cases of huge sacral pressure sore were repaired using the pedicled upper part gluteus maximum myocutaneous flap .
18. Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the design and application of the ramified musculocutaneous flap pedicled with the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery.
19. Objective: To introduce and evaluate the results of bipolar transfer of the pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap for reconstruction of elbow flexion after brachial plexus birth palsy.
20. Conclusions: The anterior talocrural region can be designed as pedicled skin flap with cutaneous branch , or free skin flap with arteria dorsalis pediwithanine.
21. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the blood supply and clinical application of reverse island flap pedicled with sural nerve and its nutrient vessels.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Objective:To study thc methods and effects of the nasal soft tissue defects repaired by the temporal flap pedicled with orbicularis oculi muscle.
23. Objective To summarize the experience of repairing damaged dura mater by use of pedicled temporalis fascial flap.
24. Conclusion It may devise a new operation for repairing non-unions of the clavicular acromial end with partial clavicular bone flap pedicled with the clavicular part of greater pectoral muscle.
25. Objective To provide anatomical basis for reconstruction thumb of free bifoltaed bone flap pedicled with the dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery.
26. Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of the pedicled buccal fat pad to cover distractor in the internal arced distraction osteogenesis of zygoma.
27. Methods 47 cases of femoral neck fractures in young and middle aged adults were treated by pedicled bone flap transposition of gluteus medius muscle and compression screw fixation.
28. Objective To find a better method of lateral supramalleolar artery pedicled flap with superficial peroneal nerve for reconstruction of soft tissue defects in the lower leg, ankle and foot.
29. Objective To discuss the anatomic basis and clinical advantages of using retroauricular flap pedicled on the superficial temporal artery in the reconstruction of upper helix defect.
30. Conclusion: It was feasible to design a bone flap of cranial external lamina pedicled with superficial temporal artery to repair the facial defects.
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