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Pedes in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2018-10-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pedestalpedestrianpedestrianismpedestrian bridgepedestrian trafficpedestrian crossingimpedeimpeded
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1. This gives a total of around 65, 000 PEs.
2. More complex PEs in one layer respond to features picked up by simpler nodes in the previous layer.
3. Hemodynamics of dorsal pedes artery and the cure of lesions were observed.
4. I was going to ask you the same thing Watch out for that pedes?trian!
5. In frequency synthesis by phase lock, the loop gain will vary by the same amount due to this effect, which generally im- pedes optimization of loop performance.
More similar words: pedestalpedestrianpedestrianismpedestrian bridgepedestrian trafficpedestrian crossingimpedeimpededstampedetape deckaedesmillipedecentipedeunimpededMercedesredesignpredesignarchimedespredestinepredesignedpredestinedmojave desertpredestinatebe destined forrene descarteshave designs onpredestinationcostume designerleave much to be desiredsped
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