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Originally in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+21Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earlierin the beginningin the first placeprimitivelyto begin withSimilar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyMeaning: [ə'rɪdʒnəlɪ]  adv. 1. in an original manner 2. with reference to the origin or beginning 3. before now. 
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181. This line had originally been due to open by the end of 1996, but was delayed by the shortage of funding.
182. If it is thin enough you will be able to trace the outlines of a plot originally drawn on graph paper.
183. Originally, they sold back-to-the-land products such as apparel in natural fabrics and wood-burning stoves.
184. The Church of S. Theodora originally belonged to a monastery; large cisterns found in the vicinity give credence to this theory.
185. The building blocks of matter are the atoms which were originally thought to be indivisible.
186. We identified the actions that you originally saw as negative for each person on the management committee.
187. Originally only four patients were classified as having definite Crohn's disease and 15 as indeterminate colitis leaving 62 with ulcerative colitis.
188. Gun Metal A copper based alloy including tin which was originally used for casting cannons.
189. I originally went out to the Far East with the aim of setting up my own import-export business.
190. Pewter A tin-based alloy mixed with copper and antimony, originally having a lead content.
191. Thus the 1893 Act remained largely in the form in which it was originally enacted.
192. They had originally been very clear about not giving land for peace.
193. Yet Rome had originally been no more than just another city state on the western fringe of Hellenism.
194. The 7-year sentence originally imposed was adjudged to be excessive and reduced to three and a half.
195. They come from the alternative left originally, a sector which at its extremes is tinged with violence.
196. Originally built in 1600, the first building on this site was a fortified lookout tower.
197. The Society of Gardeners originally planned to cover all aspects of horticulture in one large work.
198. Originally Word fit quite neatly on a single 400K floppy disk.
199. The owners originally wanted $1000 for the horse, but George managed to beat them down to $850.
200. Originally religion constituted an abiding relationship not only with deity, but even more with place.
201. Kubrick was also responsible for casting Jean Simmons in the film when it became apparent that the actress originally chosen was inadequate.
202. The cell was originally designed to held around twenty inmates.
203. They had met originally when Verrall was writing a biography of Cromwell for which William had done much of the research.
204. And that has worsened the overall ecological crisis that engine efficiency was originally meant to solve.
205. An important additional factor, of course,( is whether the items in question originally attracted tax relief.
206. The government originally promised to publish a consultation document on how it proposed to implement the directive by autumn 1992.
207. Originally covered in fresco, the Scenes from the Life of the Virgin in stucco were added in 1664.
208. The company was originally styled Information Workbench and Sippl provided the seed capital.
209. A claimant had a right of settlement in only one parish, originally in his or her father's place of birth.
210. He originally comes from Wexford town and enjoys gardening and reading.
More similar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyoccasionallytraditionallyin all directionsdigitaleligiblerighttriggerall rightright awayintriguedcivil rightsbeginrefrigeratordrag inmarginengineprestidigitationcoming inmajor inhorizonbring inhistoric
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