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Originally in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+21Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earlierin the beginningin the first placeprimitivelyto begin withSimilar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyMeaning: [ə'rɪdʒnəlɪ]  adv. 1. in an original manner 2. with reference to the origin or beginning 3. before now. 
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151. Originally described: 1775 Colour: The body is predominantly yellow and white with black markings reminiscent of an off-centre chevron.
152. It seemed ironic that at long last I was here, albeit by a very much more circuitous route than originally planned.
153. If the blocks were truly large, as Corb originally envisaged them, then they could become honeycombed hills.
154. Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church.
155. The period of language acquisition may therefore be much longer than Chomsky originally thought.
156. The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
157. Amato, 54, was a professor of constitutional law, originally from Turin.
158. Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material.
159. There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown.
160. Since both CHANike and Christmas were originally winter solstice celebrations, they often coincide and compete.
161. The end result is that both start coasting along in the same direction in which the box was originally moving.
162. Still, there are those who originally chose the law as an opportunity to expedite social change.
163. It will not reach Jupiter until December 1995seven years later than originally planned.
164. Originally, the AViiON was built exclusively around a microprocessor from Motorola.
165. I originally studied classical cello from age seven until I was fourteen, then moved to the upright bass.
166. Originally a pate was a meat mixture baked in a pastry crust.
167. Originally they remained priestesses for only five years: that is, until they reached marriageable age.
168. Many like Kumar originally went abroad because there was no dynamic economic base in their own country.
169. This originally had two large diameter undershot wheels, both of iron construction with timber floats.
170. Being published, originally, in 1655-73 it is of the greatest importance in connection with ecclesiastical buildings up to that time.
171. These would originally have been topped with a fence of dead wood or a live hedge to keep the animals out.
172. Traffic showed that it can, with its ingestion of a multiple-storyline epic originally shown over several episodes on television.
173. Around 1,000 Leeds supporters were originally expected in Istanbul, but charter flights were cancelled and fans urged not to travel.
174. Built around a courtyard, it originally housed craftsmen, but later became the main market and customs house for Bohemia.
175. The floorboards hadn't snapped( ), as I'd originally thought: they'd gone down into the dock with Harry.
176. Scholes originally developed the theory working with Fischer Black, who died in 1995.
177. Drove roads have wide verges originally to accommodate large numbers of animals on the move.
178. Originally estimated to cost £30 million, the ship was budgeted at £40.8 million and wound up costing £42.7 million.
179. He is originally from the Manchester area but has no current fixed address.
180. He has some electronic equipment originally intended for the language laboratory, which enhances the sound quality.
More similar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyoccasionallytraditionallyin all directionsdigitaleligiblerighttriggerall rightright awayintriguedcivil rightsbeginrefrigeratordrag inmarginengineprestidigitationcoming inmajor inhorizonbring inhistoric
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