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Originally in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+21Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earlierin the beginningin the first placeprimitivelyto begin withSimilar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyMeaning: [ə'rɪdʒnəlɪ]  adv. 1. in an original manner 2. with reference to the origin or beginning 3. before now. 
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211. The task originally used by Piaget to assess knowledge of seriation of length is a simple one.
212. In the process, the ideas that had originally been expounded by Monnet were substantially modified.
213. It originally extended over the full width of the Railway between the boundary walls.
214. The mill originally had two sets of fairly small stones of approximately 2' diameter, which have not survived.
215. Originally the yarn for the cloth was hand-spun from wool by the crofters of Lewis and was wholly produced in the Isle.
216. The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it.
217. Some concrete and clay plain tiles originally intended for roofing can also be used for cladding walls.
218. The company has its own tree nursery, stocked originally with plants grown from seed collected locally.
219. Regional networks evolved from networks that originally connected geographically proximate universities.
220. The initial deposit required by Porsche is 15 percent of the car's retail price, not 20 percent as originally stated.
221. Keeping the Sabbath was originally one of the Ten Commandments because it kept aside time to honour the Creator.
222. Originally charged with aggravated battery, he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of reckless homicide.
223. Originally torpedo bombers first then high level bombers and dive bombers.
224. The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired, and people assumed that they had originally been patinated.
225. Originally, ancestor-worship and its attendant family structure were confined to the patrician class.
226. Originally it had, perhaps, been moated, though now the remains of Edwardian gardening prevailed.
227. The development was originally envisaged as a private enterprise initiative.
228. The Coach House originally provided stabling for a wealthy rector who lived next door.
229. The doors, which are the finest ancient examples in Rome, were originally gold plated.
230. It was originally inspired by Old S. Peter's in Rome and is a cruciform church with double aisles and seven apses.
231. Originally, there was to be a space for a national emblem.
232. I realise this is higher than originally envisaged but I firmly believe our approach will lead to the best result.
233. Originally, heroes at Apple were the hackers and engineers who created the products.
234. Conventional wisdom did not favor retrofitting to coal use boilers originally designed for oil or natural gas.
235. It was originally thought the contract could be given last year with work starting in late autumn.
236. The machine, which comes in seven standard configurations,( was originally developed for in-house scientific research.
237. Originally expected to be out until August, he is now expected to miss the season.
238. If it had published the full document as originally written, we would know that there are some real nasties in it.
239. It was originally an acetylene light but was converted to propane gas operation in 1963.
240. Truelove and Witt's criteria were originally developed to classify acute disease attacks and therefore do not include a category for remission.
More similar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyoccasionallytraditionallyin all directionsdigitaleligiblerighttriggerall rightright awayintriguedcivil rightsbeginrefrigeratordrag inmarginengineprestidigitationcoming inmajor inhorizonbring inhistoric
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