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Nine in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+39Posted:2016-12-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: 9IXNina from Carolinaball clubbaseball clubclubenneadixninerSimilar words: canineninetyturn injoin insign indiningcunningrainingMeaning: [naɪn]  n. 1. the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one 2. a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together. adj. denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten. 
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91. The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.
92. She was the second of nine children.
93. Ten take away nine equals one.
94. I played nine holes with Gary Player today.
95. I looked down the hallway to room number nine.
96. We still sighted nine yachts.
97. This place is dead after nine o'clock.
98. Gestation lasts about nine months.
99. They were lost in the desert for nine days.
100. The island is only nine miles in circumference.
101. They cost nine pounds new, three pounds secondhand.
102. By nine o'clock, the restaurant was humming.
103. She's been capped for Scotland nine times.
104. He signed on for nine years in the infantry.
105. Leonard was nine when his father died.
106. Cats are supposed to have nine lives.
107. The delegation included representatives from nine nations.
108. Nine murders were committed last week in this city.
109. Be there at nine o'clock, without fail.
110. The movie won nine Academy Awards[], including Best Picture.
111. The shops usually open at nine o'clock.
112. He went out at half nine.
113. If he started out at nine, he ought to be here by now.
114. The clock struck nine.
115. The company said the debt was accumulated during its acquisition of nine individual businesses.
116. I would rather pay for a meal than watch nine friends pick over and split a bill.
117. After nine months of massive losses the company finally went to the wall.
118. The team has hit a purple patch, with nine wins from their last ten games.
119. According to one study, belts are worn only by about fifteen percent of drivers and passengers in cities, and only nine percent in small towns.
120. He went to Spain for nine months, to laze around and visit relations.
More similar words: canineninetyturn injoin insign indiningcunningrainingburningrun intowhiningwarningopeningmorningeveningturn intotrainingearningsplanninglightningscreeningexaminingremainingretainingadjoininghappeningreasoningconcerningglisteningmeaningful
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