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Lethal in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+7Posted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: deadlySimilar words: see thatlethargymore thanlethargicgive thanksno more thannot more thanmore than everMeaning: ['lɪːθl]  adj. of an instrument of certain death. 
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31 Anencephalus is, of course, a lethal congenital abnormality.
32 Nine other sites in Oakland use similar lethal chemicals.
33 A lethal charge that lurked around the next junction?
34 Lethal and severe defects together constitute major congenital abnormalities.
35 He was now an invisible man, a lethal specter.
36 The heat also produced up to a kilogram of lethal dioxin, some of which still contaminates the surrounding area.
37 He died after taking a lethal cocktail of alcohol and tranquilizers.
38 The Very Model of a Man is at is best when Cain justifies his fratricide with this lethal logic.
39 Roughly half of child killers used a gun[], while 16 percent used their own hands and feet as lethal weapons.
40 Bad luck is as lethal for a politician as halitosis.
41 Being in charge of a lethal weapon, so to speak.
42 Some one else will inject lethal drugs into his bloodstream.
43 The prison staff member will then begin to administer lethal doses of three chemicals.
44 And it promised to be the most weird - was definitely the most lethal.
45 Most pesticides are lethal to earthworms on or near the surface.
46 When measured against the suffering of people infected with a lethal disease, this point sounds abstract, even callous.
47 Sentencing Harris, Lord Sutherland,( told him that attempted murders involving such lethal weapons were becoming far too prevalent.
48 The lines manned by the infantry also served to protect the gunners and their lethal devices.
49 Almost any sharp or pointed object can potentially be a lethal weapon.
50 Another factor that needs to be considered when policy is formulated is that lethal malformation will not always be diagnosed before delivery.
51 His four-minute execution by lethal injection in Indianain the United States was perhaps the most minutely scrutinised death in history.
52 The tissue contains soluble proteins that cause intense pain and swelling, but which are rarely lethal to man.
53 The effect could be lethal. In spite of remarkable advantages, our culture may prove to have a fatal flaw.
54 Death will come by lethal injection, rather than cyanide gas, since gassing has been challenged in California as unduly cruel.
55 In May 1986 the Supreme Court rejected his final appeals and Pinkerton was executed by lethal injection.
56 They say they come across thousands of examples of potentially lethal appliances.
57 Potential lethal cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions are recognised complications of both iatrogenic and self inflicted overdoses.
58 None saw his executioners spend several minutes hunting for a vein to administer the lethal drugs.
59 This produces energy and also unwanted lethal products whose disposal is the source of much political concern.
60 If his execution proceeds as scheduled, he would become the first to die by lethal injection in California.
More similar words: see thatlethargymore thanlethargicgive thanksno more thannot more thanmore than everhallhalthalehalfhallowhallwaywhalein halfshallowhalfwaybehalfhallowedcatch-allhalyardchallengehallelujahnonchalantchallengedthatthanexhalationcephalopod
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