1. Better deny at once
than promise long.

2. Man has not a greater enemy
than himself.

3. Better one suffer,
than a nation grieve.

4. The heart sees further
than the head.

5. Nothing worse
than a familiar enemy.

6. One honest word is better
than two oaths.

7. Imagination is sometimes more vivid
than reality.

8. Many heads are better
than one.

9. A good name is easier lost
than won.

10. Better good neighbours near
than relations far away.

11. False friends are worse
than open enemies.

12. A tattler is worse
than a thief.

13. Poor without debt is better
than a prince.

14. Better an empty purse
than an empty head.

15. A good name is earlier lost
than won.

16. Words cut (or hurt) more
than swords.

17. A good fame is better
than a good face.

18. Ill air slays sooner
than the sword.

19. Better die with honour
than live with shame.

20. Better spare at brim
than at bottom.

21. A chain is no stronger
than its weakest lining.

22. A living dog is better
than a dead lion.

23. The pen is mightier
than the sword.

24. A barking dog is better
than a sleeping lion.

25. A clear fast is better
than a dirty breakfast.

26. It is better to be safe
than sorry.

27. Better master one
than engage with ten.

28. Better wear out
than rust out.

29. Better ask twice
than lose you way once.

30. You catch more flies with honey
than with vinegar.

1. She had woken even earlier than usual.
2. Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.
3. He looks older than he is.
4. There is room for no more than three cars.
5. My car won't do/go more than 70 mph.
6. Women commit fewer crimes than men.
7. The descriptions of her were less than flattering.
8. The pain was almost more than he could bear.
9. She sounded more confident than she felt.
10. It's normally much warmer than this in July.
11. This one is a notch better than the other.
12. I think you'll find these more comfortable than those.
13. Wholemeal bread is more nutritious than white bread.
14. We came by a longer route than usual.
15. She is decorative, larger than life, a terrific glamourpuss.
16. It'll take me longer than ten minutes.
17. The boy is more diligent than anybody else.
18. The male birds are more colourful than the females.
19. January's sales were slightly better than average.
20. He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.
21. We'll be there in less than no time .
22. The poor child looks more dead than alive.
23. Food production is still increasing faster than demand.
24. Everybody liked him but none more than I.
25. They opted for rescheduling rather than outright cancellation.
26. His spelling is better than his brother's.
27. Her symptoms are more psychological than physical .
28. The violence was worse than we expected.
29. The party's policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.
30. This school is infinitely better than the last one I went to.