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Lacrimal in a sentence

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Sentence count:95Posted:2017-10-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: acrimonyalacrityprimalacrimoniousacridsacristyprimalacrosseMeaning: adj. 1. of or relating to tears 2. relating to or located near the organ that produces tears. 
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(61) Clinically evident ectopic lacrimal gland is uncommon especially at epibulbar location.
(62) Conclusion:Hyperthophic lacrimal caruncle may be the cause of functional epiphora in some patients.
(63) Objective To evaluate clinical effect of lacrimal duct drug irrigation after lacrimal duct plasty by laser.
(64) The lacrimal gland can not be palpated any more and no one recurred.
(65) Then a lacrimal probe was used to probe the ducts from lacrimal puncta to lower nasal cavity along its' trend.
(66) The maxillary processes extend in a cephalad direction form the piriform aperture to the lacrimal crest(, uniting with the frontal and nasal bones.
(67) Methods: The probing of lacrimal passage was performed in 97 eyes with neonatal dacryocystitis.
(68) Results: The frontal, nasociliary and lacrimal nerve, divisions of ophthalmic nerve, entered the orbit via the superior orbital fissure.
(69) To maintain the role of the lacrimal film, you can relieve dry eye.
(70) Results :Most of the lacrimal fossa(85. 60% )consist of lacrimal and maxillary bones; 0nly a few(14.40% ) lacrimal bone or maxillary bone.
(71) Objective To evaluate the effect of lacrimal passage probing with soft probe in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNDO) or congenital dacryocystitis (CD).
(72) The lateral sector is pass by the trochlear, frontal and lacrimal nerves and the superior ophthalmic vein.
(73) Conclusions There was obvious clinic significance for using labium mucosa graft to replaced the lacrimal sac defect and to realize the lacrimal duct' s repatency.
(74) Objective: To treat chronic dacryocystitis by rebuild the lacrimal passage with skin grafting and dacryocystorhinostomy.
(75) Objective To investigate the partial cause and suitable operation of the blepharochalasis with lacrimal gland prolapse by analyzing the 26 cases.
(76) Objective To discuss the operative effect of lacrimal dislocation and blepharochalasis.
(77) Conclusion Blocking the lacrimal canaliculi with punctual plugs is a simple and effective way in treating mild or middle keratoconjunctivitis sicca caused by any kind of reasons.
(78) Method: 15 adult cadavers (30 sides) were studied on projection anatomy of lacrimal sac on the lateral wall of nasal cavity and the relationship between lacrimal sac and inner canthal ligament.
(79) RESULTS: Of the 40 cases of chronic dacryocystitis patients with lacrimal secretion culture, 39 cases were positive,[] a total of 50 strains positive bacteria were isolated .
(80) CONCLUSION Heat needling of Jingming point has a significant effect on epiphora due to dysfunction of lacrimal ducts.
(81) OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of acupuncture therapy in treating epiphora due to dysfunction of lacrimal ducts.
(82) Methods (64 eyes) under the lacrimal ductule break anastomosis curative effect carries on the analysis to 64 examples.
(83) Objective:To observe the efficacy of extradural catheter intubatton and washing with mitomycin C and Chymotrypsin in the treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction.
(84) Proceeding anastomose for 16 loser of lacrimal sac and nasal cavity anastomose surgery again.
(85) METHODS: Material of lacrimal secretion in 40 cases of patients with chronic dacryocystitis was sampled for bacterial culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitivity test.
(86) Objective To investigate the lacrimal gland normal and abnormal diagnosed characteristics.
(87) Turk have the record of maintaining a jet of milk from the lacrimal gland, to 9. 2 feet (2. 80 meters).
(88) Conclusions Diabetes can cause lacrimal gland, corneal and conjunctival tissue damage, which is the pathological foundation of the diabetic ocular surface disease.
(89) Lacrimal gland enlargement may be seen. CT and MRI may also show "stretching" and apical crowding of the optic nerve with an enlarged superior ophthalmic vein.
(90) RESULTS: The patients' epicanthus disappeared with exposed lacrimal caruncle and unartificial intercanthus angle, and no obvious scar after operation.
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