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Juice in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+35Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: succusSimilar words: riceniceicedslicepricevoiceofficepoliceMeaning: [dʒuːs]  n. 1. the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue 2. energetic vitality 3. electric current 4. any of several liquids of the body. 
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(121) What's this then, you're only drinking orange juice - have you signed the pledge or something?
(122) I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.
(123) She couldn't find any cola, so had to settle for orange juice.
(124) Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing.
(125) A bit of lemon juice will add zing to the sauce.
(126) Mix together some lemon juice and sugar, then top it up with water.
(127) Turn sparkling wine into Buck's Fizz with the addition of chilled orange juice.
(128) Wrapping aluminium foil round a joint allows the meat to cook in its own juice / juices.
(129) Mix the rest of the olive oil with the zest and juice of the lemon.
(130) Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice.
(131) We have apple juice and cranberry juice.
(132) Kids were crunching graham crackers and drinking juice.
(132) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(133) Add two dollars for freshly squeezed orange juice.
(134) There was fruit juice in the refrigerator.
(135) Fruit juice drinks do not compete directly with Coca-Cola.
(136) Add the bouquet garni and apple juice.
(137) Our Gallic neighbours sipped disdainfully at orange juice.
(138) I had a mouth full of red betel juice.
(139) The juice contains no artificial coloring or flavors.
(140) All were heavy apple juice drinkers.
(141) Pour over wine,( lemon juice and chilli sauce.
(142) Fold the reduced juice into the sour cream.
(143) Add the remaining lemon juice, yogurt and chives.
(144) A trickle of juice ran down her arm.
(145) I crush the pepper between my fingers until the juice comes, and then rinse my fingers in the bowl of water.
(146) We are fully licensed, and specialise in local ale, apple juice and Sussex wines.
(147) Heat the red kidney beans in the mixture of tomato puree, chilli sauce and lemon juice.
(148) Drain in a colander, pressing the leaves to extract all the juice.
(149) Meanwhile cream together the butter, pepper, mustard and lemon juice.
(150) These fritters are especially delicious with stewed prunes with orange juice as an accompaniment, if desired.
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