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Jeep in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+4Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: landroverSimilar words: jeerpeepweepkeepsheepdeepsteepsweepMeaning: [dʒːːp]  n. a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain. 
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61. Broadus was was driving the Jeep from which Lee fired the shots.
62. Jeep tours, hayrides, chuck wagon cookouts and trail rides are available for a fee.
63. She got down from the jeep, straightened her dress and headed back towards the barn.
64. Mike spends about £400 a month on running his car, a Jeep Cherokee, and another £100 a month insuring it.
65. The driver slammed on the brakes; the Jeep screeched to a halt.
66. Robyn turned the ignition over, realising he was gaining on her with remarkable speed, and the jeep roared into life.
67. He ordered his pilot to drive the length of the airstrip in a Jeep and inspect it for obstacles.sentence dictionary
68. With one last defiant surge of power the jeep finally gave up the ghost.
69. He took the wheel of the jeep himself, telling the driver to move over.
70. On one occasion a jeep in which she was travelling was hi-jacked by a group of armed soldiers.
71. He eased back the stick and the nose came up and the jeep slid into his gunsight.
72. When the Jeep was found the next day, parked in the Camp Holloway motor pool, it caused a stink.
73. Whenever the jeep came, it was difficult to resist the moral pressure to keep it with me.
74. Miguel's jeep was outside the villa when Shelley happened to look out.
75. I made it to the jeep but the earth was spinning off its axis.
76. The Jeep fired up and he slipped it into gear, released the clutch and edged it forward.
77. When he blinked rain from his eyes, Alan could just see the trail that led back to the jeep.
78. I called to Meyers-who was leering at one of the women fifty feet away-to get the first-aid kit out of the Jeep.
79. We stopped in a small village to quench our thirst and refuel the jeep.
80. I remember what happened when I finally decided to ditch my Toyota and buy a Jeep Cherokee.
81. The Arab was standing by the jeep, surrounded by settlers[], when a man from another settlement shot him.
82. It was bitterly cold in the open jeep, but Taylor had brought an army greatcoat for me to wear.
83. It can be fitted to a jeep or truck without extensive modifications to the chassis or bodywork.
84. On fourteen different occasions the Volunteer found the tires of his jeep either deflated or punctured.
85. Most of its sales are Jeep Cherokees, which is a right-hand-drive vehicle.
86. The jeep reached the River Orne and we turned off the road on to a narrow path just wide enough for the jeep.
87. Rent a jeep to get out on to small tracks which uncover some beautiful waterfalls and rock formations.
88. They could hear the rain pattering in the grass and bouncing off the roof of the jeep.
89. As we sat in the cockpit, the captain hauled his radio over to a Jeep.
90. The driver climbed lazily out of the Jeep and walked up holding an army canteen whose yellow surface was peeling.
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