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Invented in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+14Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inventinventoryinventioninvertedinvestmentconventionconvenientinconvenientMeaning: [ɪn'vent]  adj. formed or conceived by the imagination. 
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121. Long before the advent of robots and personal computers, he invented a race of super-intelligent robots.
122. Till 1926 we had not invented a way of mortgaging property without creating equitable interests.
123. It was widely believed that Eleanor Coade had invented a new process for making artificial stone.
124. She invented a hundred little things to make him happy, to bring a smile to his face.
125. The Pap smear is officially called the Papanicolaou Test, after the doctor who invented it.
126. He invented a serious accident for his wife as an excuse not to see Eleanor for a while.
127. Extending this aim meant that signs had to be invented when no obvious word - sign equivalent existed.
128. In fact Meadowell is an Elastoplast name like Sizewell, invented in the 1970s to disguise what was already a running sore.
129. A more rare and highly ingenious way of decorating carnelian was invented by the Sumerians.
130. They use the narrowest bandwidth radio frequency, transmission and reception yet invented.
131. All three companies are in a pitched battle over who invented the technology.
132. Olestrathe trade name is Oleanis unlike any other fake food ever invented.
133. The world has invented many industrial processes which often create pollutants of a kind that do not occur in nature at all.
134. The courts have invented new laws, as in the new liabilities to restrain picketing during the miners' strike.
135. My daughter isn't some notional stereotype invented to scare elderly cardinals.
136. During his whaling career, he had invented various items of shipboard gear.
137. The fact is that Berlioz, who invented the modern orchestra, was a fervent reactionary throughout his life.
138. It was Henry Ford who invented the Friday afternoon car, and also the Tuesday morning car.
139. High heels were invented by a woman who had once been kissed on the forehead. Rita Mae Brown 
140. And, in an idle moment, he invented a method for lining women's hat-boxes!
141. It may very well be, and I mean this seriously, that the adman invented the teenager.
142. Hawaiian Tropic was invented in 1969 by a 25-year-old high school teacher and part-time lifeguard named Ron Rice.
143. There's no elastic been invented that doesn't go all slack the minute a camera comes out.
144. Investment managers have invented various ways of making this kind of currency investment.
145. For already domestic class forces were being invented and manipulated at will to validate policy decisions.
146. The next day they invented another story[Sentence dictionary], and then another.
147. Whoever invented the golf cart deserves an honored place in the annals of sport.
148. The answer is one of the most neglected and abused kitchen appliances ever invented: the refrigerator.
149. We have invented new forms of assistance to match the overall situation.
150. He invented the Cornish engine, a beam engine of Brobdingnagian proportions used mainly for pumping water out of tin mines.
More similar words: inventinventoryinventioninvertedinvestmentconventionconvenientinconvenientconventionaldirect investmentinvestment bankerrentedunconventionaldementedtalentedpresentedtormentedinterventionunprecedentedconstitutional conventioninvestinverseinvestorinvectiveinveterateinvestigateconveneinvestigatorinvestigationinvited
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