Synonym: bring in, inaugurate, innovate, institute, launch, present. Similar words: introduction, produce, producer, product, productive, production, productivity, introspect. Meaning: [‚ɪntrə'duːs /-'djuːs] v. 1. cause to come to know personally 2. bring something new to an environment 3. introduce 4. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment 5. bring in or establish in a new place or environment 6. put or introduce into something 7. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc. 8. put before (a body) 9. furnish with a preface or introduction 10. be a precursor of.
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91. In many primary classrooms, teachers introduce a new topic by means of a discussion with the whole class.
92. To introduce a bagman was one of the worst crimes in hunting's social calendar.
93. Despite the plans to introduce a multiparty system, government sources confirmed that new parties would remain banned until further notice.
94. Talk with people you know who are in business and ask them to introduce you to their accountants.
95. I shall introduce its fundamental essence in Chapter 3 under the title of cumulative selection.
96. Then, just prior to that critical point, introduce the aversion relief element.
97. The Reserves will play an even more important role and we will introduce legislation to allow their more flexible use.
98. New clauses will be debated and the government will introduce amendments which it has undertaken to introduce.
99. The Demonstration provides a meaningful context in which to introduce and practice these words.
100. John Glenn, D-Ohio, intends to introduce legislation that would prohibit ships from discharging organism-laced ballast water in estuaries.
101. Legislators introduce bills in the legislative body and examine and vote on bills introduced by other legislators.
102. It will bring forward legislation in the coming parliamentary session to introduce student loans, partially replacing grants,[] from autumn 1990.
103. The most disappointing aspect of this matter is that he should have seen fit to introduce politics into licensing board affairs.
104. I will introduce you to a Kaika who can train a camel to bring breakfast in the mornings.
105. As if in a corny fiction, it is in the gents that we first identify each other and introduce ourselves.
106. At the moment, they face fines of £400, but there are moves afoot to introduce stiffer penalties.
107. We will introduce strict standards of life expectancy for consumer durables and encourage deposit-refund schemes.
108. We now introduce another restriction: the production technology for differentiated products is homothetic.
109. We will introduce powers for nurses to prescribe where appropriate.
110. It is very likely to over-react, however, and introduce formal procedures that swing the pendulum too far the other way.
111. Or he could introduce an exchange rate policy to ease the plight of manufacturing companies.
112. This will bring the benefits of home ownership within the reach of more people and introduce more diversity in local authority estates.
113. The monographs should: Introduce the concepts of clean technology to academic and industrial practitioners.
114. Labour councillors on Tuesday voted to introduce pedestrianisation in Skinnergate and High Row without any exemptions for orange badge holders.
115. To understand the debate we must introduce the concept of portfolio balance.
116. He can be charming and funny, eager to introduce potential allies to people who can help them.
117. Now, with the TECs, we intend to introduce new financial help for career and training guidance.
118. We will introduce a new police power to make an arrest for breach of police bail.
119. Therefore, in some way, often very subtle, these designs all introduce some element other than plan black-on-white writing.
120. Halfon is trying to introduce his 72-pound fiberglass board -- with an optional sail -- in much the same way.
More similar words: introduction, produce, producer, product, productive, production, productivity, introspect, introspection, reduce, control, out of control, controversy, under control, control group, controversial, beyond control, in truth, intrigued, sauce, rod, erode, duck, educate, conduct, educator, reduction, education, troop, educational.