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Instance in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+6Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: casecircumstanceexampleoccasionSimilar words: for instanceinstantinstantlystancedistancesubstanceassistanceresistanceMeaning: ['ɪnstəns]  n. 1. an occurrence of something 2. an item of information that is representative of a type. v. clarify by giving an example of. 
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91. They may wish, for instance, to change the balance between teaching and non-teaching staff.
92. In one instance, a company advertised computer memory chips that it then never delivered to those who sent money.
93. Nikon for instance produce a telephoto lens, several wide angle lenses and a fish-eye for their range of models.
94. In addition to this, there is a married couples's allowance which is usually paid to the man in the first instance.
95. The SHTRAYml, like other articles of clothing, is an instance where the restriction was turned into an ornament.
96. In this instance, the disturbances were precipitated when four black men were refused bail at Liverpool Magistrates' Court.
97. In each instance, you see a course of action that brings about the very consequences it sought to avoid.
98. For instance, the company is attempting to bring Internet access to a mass consumer audience through an agreement with Continental Cablevision.
99. Take for instance the pattern of incivility and disrespect displayed over the past several years by Chicago Bulls basketball star Dennis Rodman.
100. For instance, there almost certainly was no free oxygen in the atmosphere.
101. Effort and application were not needed in the first instance and did not come easily when the need arose.
102. Starting with outright animation,[] the sequence concludes with a most unusual instance of overt travelling matte.
103. For instance in use at Edinburgh Zoo there is a cement ant hill for chimpanzees which was developed to enrich their environment.
104. For instance, the animal is coming after you with the idea of tearing your head off.
105. For instance a dynamic model may be used to show the effect of changes in advertising expenditure on sales.
106. For instance, the larger the sales force, the less the need for heavy advertising expenditure.
107. In this instance, the mandibular transverse dimensions are normal.
108. In this particular instance, Malthus was eventually proven wrong.
109. We came here at the instance of Dr Stein.
110. For instance to Chinese military force deployment scale indication.
111. Performance in every instance fell woefully short of promise.
112. A certain plant in China , for instance , has prickly leaves, and each prickle contains poisonous venom.
113. For instance,( a schematic can be converted a PCB with one mouse click.
114. For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system.
115. All calls to a singleton object are handled by one instance of that object.
116. For instance , they prefer the food that is not cooked such as sushi and sashimi.
117. Redeploy a new instance of the list and rename'% 1'to'% 2 '.
118. One such instance is in the Mahabharata when Pandavas and Kauravas play this game.
119. Suppose , for instance, that you wanted to expand the range of the Roman numeral conversion functions.
120. For each instance of an HTML tag on a form, a Select object is created.
More similar words: for instanceinstantinstantlystancedistancesubstanceassistanceresistancein the distancecircumstanceinstallconstantpittanceinstallationinsuranceacceptanceof importancein stepinstinctagainstinstructstandinstead ofinstructorinstrumentmainstreamstand upstand forstand bystand out
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