Synonym: blameless, faultless, guiltless, harmless, sinless. Antonym: guilty. Similar words: innocence, innocuous, egocentric, in no way, in no time, innovation, innovative, Cent.. Meaning: [ɪnəsnt] n. a person who lacks knowledge of evil. adj. 1. free from evil or guilt 2. lacking intent or capacity to injure 3. free from sin 4. lacking in sophistication or worldliness 5. not knowledgeable about something specified 6. completely wanting or lacking 7. (used of things) lacking sense or awareness.
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61. I am totally innocent of this crime.
62. I strongly believe that he is innocent.
63. Do you call these innocent amusements?
64. Hundreds of innocent women and children were massacred.
65. Innocent civilians were among the casualties.
66. Many innocent civilians are among the casualties.
67. Governments have been known to snoop on innocent citizens.
68. I insist that he is innocent.
69. The evidence proves beyond doubt that he is innocent.
69. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
70. The jury were unconvinced that he was innocent.
71. It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke.
72. It was a perfectly innocent question.
73. Snipers were picking off innocent civilians.
74. I was thirteen years old and very innocent.
75. The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians.
76. The court found her innocent of the crime.
77. Her friends asserted that she was innocent.
78. He becomes an innocent dupe in a political scandal.
79. All these people are innocent victims .
80. They did not scruple to bomb innocent civilians.
81. Many atrocities are committed on innocent people in wartime.
82. Stop playing innocent and answer my questions,[] please.
83. Innocent civilians had been shot and bayoneted.
84. She asserted her innocence/that she was innocent.
85. I had always believed her innocent.
86. All those wounded were innocent victims.
87. I'm inclined to believe he's innocent.
88. Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riots.
89. Much innocent blood is spilt in war.
90. The child's innocent remark raised a laugh.
More similar words: innocence, innocuous, egocentric, in no way, in no time, innovation, innovative, Cent., scent, center, recent, accent, ascent, decent, per cent, announcement, nascent, central, century, incentive, recently, reticent, percentage, senescent, centurion, more often than not, accentuate, adolescent, licentious, translucent.